All Is Well

Darn Roadrunner died on us once again and won’t be repaired till Tuesday. Good news: I did get my license! I know, I’m more surprised than anyone . I’ll type up my entry from that day (got it on Notepad) when my internet’s back up. See y’all then.

on Tuesday, July 5th, Johanna said:

Hey I am so happy for you! That is awesome! Did you have to parallel park? I am so afraid of that! Reason I failed the first time! Congrats once again! That is awesome! I can’t wait for mine!

on Monday, July 4th, Elysia said:

how beachy and cute:) I lvoe your little carebear too, gotta have a soft spot for those guys,heh. My friend loves the purple one, i bought her a little one with bunny ears for easter and it was so cute i kinda wanted to keep it msyelf. Anywho, awesome job!

on Monday, July 4th, Ana said:

Omg I am so glad you havre your license, I still have to go and get my drivers test I still have my permit! CONGRATS!

on Monday, July 4th, kitty said:

:)aww… lucky you!!! congratulatiomns!!!!!!!! now it’s my turn to take the road test.. I still feel frustrated, goodness.. I hope I can get it before my son comes back so everything won’t be a hassle.. sigh…

on Monday, July 4th, Amber said:

congrats! isn’t the freedom wonderful? πŸ™‚

on Monday, July 4th, Jolene said:

I haven’t been here in so long, life getting in the way and shit. Congrats on getting your license and I love your new look, really unexpected when I clicked on the link.

on Sunday, July 3rd, Jessica said:

Congrats! I knew ya would do it! And I agree w/ Laurie – now you can drive up and visit me too! Lubbock’s only a “Texas hop, skip, and a jump” away, LOL. πŸ™‚

on Sunday, July 3rd, Gonzo said:

Woohoo! That’s awsome! I’m so happy for you!

Hey, did you watch Live 8?

Congrats again!


on Sunday, July 3rd, Kerry said:

Congratulations on getting your license!!! I’ll be sure to stay off the roads if i go to Texas πŸ˜› Just Kidding! I heard that about a million times when I got my license so I thought I’d pass it along lolol. Happy 4th of July. Have a great weekend and be safe. I love your layout. Sorry I haven’t been here in a while but im still alive, dont worry πŸ™‚
Love ya!


on Sunday, July 3rd, Diana said:

Congrats!!!! πŸ˜€

on Sunday, July 3rd, laurie said:

Yay! Congratulations! Now you can drive up here and visit me! lol

on Sunday, July 3rd, Meliss said:

congrats πŸ˜€

on Sunday, July 3rd,“>Stephanie said:

Congratulations on getting your licence! Although… I knew you could! <3

on Sunday, July 3rd, tara said:

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY! I know you’ve been waiting for this day for a looooong time! I’m so happy for you, you just don’t even know! πŸ˜€

on Sunday, July 3rd, Lianna said:

Congrats on getting your license!!