I had already made a “New Year’s Resolution” to myself that I would post a little something every day (just like I made a pact with myself that come January 1st, it would be the 1st day of the rest of my life that I ate 100% healthy and just tonight Emily, Alaethia and I polished off the last of the New Year’s Eve queso dip *sigh*); but it’s already the 3rd day of January and I’m really not even sure if I’ll end up finishing this post, heh.
But anyway, since the last time I updated, the kids were all at the other parents’ houses. Jorge and I chilled out a lot and I cooked a lot. That’s usually when I try new things; when the kids are away. It’s a good distraction and we can try foods the kids wouldn’t regularly eat willingly, heh.
So Sunday I made this:
Right after we watched “10 Things I Hate About You”. Always one of my favorites. Heath Ledger *sob*.
Then Jorge humored me on yet another one of my ideas: a solar-light jar that I’d like to hang from a tree. So we took apart a $1 solar light from Dollar Tree, I puff-painted a Prego Jar and voila! It worked :).
The next 3 days at work would be a hectic blur of e-mails in Spanish, since the Mexican Artisan Expo is coming up next week. Literally, that’s all I did for 3 days.
Got home and made dinner on Monday night:
It was a hit with the guys :). I can’t remember what brand the packet was, but it was a Tuscan sauce you add sauteed chicken and rotini to. It was tasty.
I went to visit Minnie from Hidden Treasures after work Tuesday since she had a Puppy Brite she was clearancing out. I was hoping to make it on time to look around but her shop was closed. She surprised me with the FREE Puppy Brite and told me about her future plans for the shop.
She’ll be leaving January but will return February with Hidden Treasures. I’m happy she’s staying. I owe her for starting me on my obsession, heh.
I had ordered 100+ photos for $.10 each from Walgreens when the sale came around. I ALWAYS miss it, and haven’t printed any photos in about 2 years! So I took advantage. That night, after making dinner, I went through my scrapbooking stash and took a whole bunch of stuff out for a scrapfest :). Jorge sat at the table playing a game and John sat at the table using his phone, so we sat there and joked while I cut and pasted away.
The weather was dreary and cold on the 31st. I met my love for lunch anyway since I needed to remove my face from the computer. The e-mails were so monotonous and the office was as cold as a meat freezer (it always is *sob*) I just had to get away. So we went to Texadelphia, since he didn’t want to have Jason’s Deli -_- . I was trying to go for a “healthier” choice and picked a chicken sandwich on wheat bread but it was drenched in so much vinaigrette that it ruined my sandwich. The fries and queso were great, though!
I picked the kiddos up from their dad’s that evening, dropped them off with Mom and met Jorge at HEB to buy the New Year’s Eve stuff. It was raining by this time and the girls were sniffly so fireworks and s’mores outside were out of the question. Jorge’s boys ended up staying at their mother’s (where they did do fireworks and 2 ended up coming back sick, grr).
We decided to make queso dip, pigs in a blanket and watch some TV. The kids were ok with it. We also got some Welch’s sparkling grape juice for the kids to toast with us at midnight ^_^. I didn’t want wine, but Jorge convinced me, and the d’asti I love was on sale so I got it.
As soon as we walk in the door Mom comes in to help unload groceries…and immediately drops the wine bottle. I couldn’t believe it.
Sally and her George were supposed to come over but George worked late and then plans changed so they ended up doing their thing. I know I’m getting old because I was perfectly ok with chilling with Jorge and the kids watching Cristela and snacking on stuff :).
It sucked that Jorge’s boys weren’t here, but I was happy to bring in the new year with the rest of the family. When midnight came around, we toasted with the kids, gave hugs and kisses all around and went to bed a while later, hehe.
We spent Thursday feeding the kids and spending time with them. Jorge even found the last episode of Season 1 of “Selfie” on an app on his iPad and we watched that. Then it was gingerbread time. The kids’ dad gave them 3 boxes of gingerbread projects to do and this was the 1st:
We gathered all the kids to watch “The Book of Life”.
It was as adorable and colorful as I thought it was going to be :).
My poor Jorge had to work Friday :(. I spent the day lazying with the kids ALL DAY LONG. Well, after going to Walmart to get some cereal and other groceries.
I put the ingredients for beef stew in the slow cooker and then the kids and I watched all of Season 1 of “Friends”. And then my last Christmas gift from Jorge came in: my Keurig!
You would think someone who loves coffee as much as I do would have asked for one as soon as they came out, but I’m such a cheapskate I couldn’t justify spending money on one. We have one at work that Ivan provided for us in the copy room and it really is convenient. My love just so happened to get this one for a steal so I’m THRILLED!
Jorge calls around 5:30pm that their company party is that evening…and that spouse are welcome to join. I was suddenly extremely grateful I had the foresight to make dinner in the slow cooker. I had about an hour to do my hair (which was in all it’s curly, lion-mane glory) and find something to wear. After several runs bath and forth between my closet and the laundry room, I found an outfit. Mom served dinner to the kids and then Jorge and I were on our way to the Blue Onion.
We had such a good time; they even had a trivia game for the employees. And the food, OMG, the food! I could gorge on the pita and hummus all day!
We slept in a bit today and then I dropped off Jorge’s wallet to him at work and I ran errands. My day consisted of ordering more pictures ($.09 at Walgreens till 11:59pm!), watched the first episode of Dr. Who with the kids and cooking and got a head start on the laundry. Jorge walks in and says, “What are you doing?? That’s my job!” and made me stop, heh. We’re watching a UFC Fight while the kids either lazy around on the sofa next to us or are playing Xbox.
Well, what do you know, I wrote a whole post and I may actually publish it. This should have probably been my “resolutions” post, but it really is the same bullet points as they usually are: eat healthy, exercise, lose weight, not stress, be a better fiance/mom/daughter/sister, be nicer to everyone around me, etc. I hope to accomplish those and if I could shave off some debt and save money it would be the cherry on top ^_^.