Category: Movies

First Post of 2015

I had already made a “New Year’s Resolution” to myself that I would post a little something every day (just like I made a pact with myself that come January 1st, it would be the 1st day of the rest of my life that I ate 100% healthy and just tonight Emily, Alaethia and I polished off the last of the New Year’s Eve queso dip *sigh*); but it’s already the 3rd day of January and I’m really not even sure if I’ll end up finishing this post, heh.

But anyway, since the last time I updated, the kids were all at the other parents’ houses. Jorge and I chilled out a lot and I cooked a lot. That’s usually when I try new things; when the kids are away. It’s a good distraction and we can try foods the kids wouldn’t regularly eat willingly, heh.

So Sunday I made this:

Italian Sausage Quiche
Italian Sausage Quiche

Right after we watched “10 Things I Hate About You”. Always one of my favorites. Heath Ledger *sob*.

Then Jorge humored me on yet another one of my ideas: a solar-light jar that I’d like to hang from a tree. So we took apart a $1 solar light from Dollar Tree, I puff-painted a Prego Jar and voila! It worked :).

The next 3 days at work would be a hectic blur of e-mails in Spanish, since the Mexican Artisan Expo is coming up next week. Literally, that’s all I did for 3 days.

Got home and made dinner on Monday night:

Tuscan Chicken and Caesar Salad
Tuscan Chicken and Caesar Salad

It was a hit with the guys :). I can’t remember what brand the packet was, but it was a Tuscan sauce you add sauteed chicken and rotini to. It was tasty.

I went to visit Minnie from Hidden Treasures after work Tuesday since she had a Puppy Brite she was clearancing out. I was hoping to make it on time to look around but her shop was closed. She surprised me with the FREE Puppy Brite and told me about her future plans for the shop.

Puppy Brite
Puppy Brite

She’ll be leaving January but will return February with Hidden Treasures. I’m happy she’s staying. I owe her for starting me on my obsession, heh.

I had ordered 100+ photos for $.10 each from Walgreens when the sale came around. I ALWAYS miss it, and haven’t printed any photos in about 2 years! So I took advantage. That night, after making dinner, I went through my scrapbooking stash and took a whole bunch of stuff out for a scrapfest :). Jorge sat at the table playing a game and John sat at the table using his phone, so we sat there and joked while I cut and pasted away.

Scrapbooking supplies
Scrapbooking supplies

The weather was dreary and cold on the 31st. I met my love for lunch anyway since I needed to remove my face from the computer. The e-mails were so monotonous and the office was as cold as a meat freezer (it always is *sob*) I just had to get away. So we went to Texadelphia, since he didn’t want to have Jason’s Deli -_- . I was trying to go for a “healthier” choice and picked a chicken sandwich on wheat bread but it was drenched in so much vinaigrette that it ruined my sandwich. The fries and queso were great, though!

I picked the kiddos up from their dad’s that evening, dropped them off with Mom and met Jorge at HEB to buy the New Year’s Eve stuff. It was raining by this time and the girls were sniffly so fireworks and s’mores outside were out of the question. Jorge’s boys ended up staying at their mother’s (where they did do fireworks and 2 ended up coming back sick, grr).

We decided to make queso dip, pigs in a blanket and watch some TV. The kids were ok with it. We also got some Welch’s sparkling grape juice for the kids to toast with us at midnight ^_^. I didn’t want wine, but Jorge convinced me, and the d’asti I love was on sale so I got it.

As soon as we walk in the door Mom comes in to help unload groceries…and immediately drops the wine bottle. I couldn’t believe it.

Sally and her George were supposed to come over but George worked late and then plans changed so they ended up doing their thing. I know I’m getting old because I was perfectly ok with chilling with Jorge and the kids watching Cristela and snacking on stuff :).

The start of a Happy New Year :)
The start of a Happy New Year 🙂

It sucked that Jorge’s boys weren’t here, but I was happy to bring in the new year with the rest of the family. When midnight came around, we toasted with the kids, gave hugs and kisses all around and went to bed a while later, hehe.

We spent Thursday feeding the kids and spending time with them. Jorge even found the last episode of Season 1 of “Selfie” on an app on his iPad and we watched that. Then it was gingerbread time. The kids’ dad gave them 3 boxes of gingerbread projects to do and this was the 1st:

Gingerbread train
Gingerbread train

We gathered all the kids to watch “The Book of Life”.


It was as adorable and colorful as I thought it was going to be :).

My poor Jorge had to work Friday :(. I spent the day lazying with the kids ALL DAY LONG. Well, after going to Walmart to get some cereal and other groceries.

I put the ingredients for beef stew in the slow cooker and then the kids and I watched all of Season 1 of “Friends”. And then my last Christmas gift from Jorge came in: my Keurig!


You would think someone who loves coffee as much as I do would have asked for one as soon as they came out, but I’m such a cheapskate I couldn’t justify spending money on one. We have one at work that Ivan provided for us in the copy room and it really is convenient. My love just so happened to get this one for a steal so I’m THRILLED!

Jorge calls around 5:30pm that their company party is that evening…and that spouse are welcome to join. I was suddenly extremely grateful I had the foresight to make dinner in the slow cooker. I had about an hour to do my hair (which was in all it’s curly, lion-mane glory) and find something to wear. After several runs bath and forth between my closet and the laundry room, I found an outfit. Mom served dinner to the kids and then Jorge and I were on our way to the Blue Onion.

We had such a good time; they even had a trivia game for the employees. And the food, OMG, the food! I could gorge on the pita and hummus all day!

My love and I :)
My love and I 🙂

We slept in a bit today and then I dropped off Jorge’s wallet to him at work and I ran errands. My day consisted of ordering more pictures ($.09 at Walgreens till 11:59pm!), watched the first episode of Dr. Who with the kids and cooking and got a head start on the laundry. Jorge walks in and says, “What are you doing?? That’s my job!” and made me stop, heh. We’re watching a UFC Fight while the kids either lazy around on the sofa next to us or are playing Xbox.

Well, what do you know, I wrote a whole post and I may actually publish it. This should have probably been my “resolutions” post, but it really is the same bullet points as they usually are: eat healthy, exercise, lose weight, not stress, be a better fiance/mom/daughter/sister, be nicer to everyone around me, etc. I hope to accomplish those and if I could shave off some debt and save money it would be the cherry on top ^_^.

Follow Through

Mom and I both had doctor’s appointments yesterday. I remember when all I had to do was drive her and wait with her, but now I’m taking the appointment right after hers *sigh*.

It’s been 3 months since my last doctor’s appointment. Got blood work done. I’m really terrified to find out the results of my cholesterol screening, since I haven’t exercised at all since July and haven’t exactly had the best diet lately =\. The positive side is that–even though I FEEL heavier and was eating like crap–I didn’t gain weight. In fact, since my last appointment in June/July, I LOST 5 pounds.

I also asked the doctor about my darn acne. It’s gotten better since June, but I wish it would just GO AWAY ALREADY. He started me up on a pill again and a new gel, so we’ll see how that goes.

We’ll see how Mom’s results are, too. She wasn’t too keen on going, so I’m pretty sure she hasn’t been eating well *sigh*.

By the time we got home from the doctor and waiting for prescriptions it was almost 11am. Being stuck by needles encouraged me to have a healthy breakfast, as much as I wanted that darn Captain Crunch Berries cereal :(.

Oatmeal with strawberries and almond milk
Oatmeal with strawberries and almond milk

I cleaned up my bedroom after (somewhat) and organized my nightstand. Then I got ready for work and took off.

It was a slow day at work. Replied to a few e-mails, organized some bills, dropped off an invoice and that was really it. I was hungry by 2pm so I had a Campbell’s soup drink. Then we get an e-mail from Rosie that a company left us some pastries and fruit from Corner Bakery Cafe. FML. I shoulda just had fruit, but I had a piece of bread, too. No willpower, I tell you!

Someone stop me!
Someone stop me!

My boss left early and then it was time for a grand-re-opening Ribbon Cutting for Kohnami. It’s under new management and remodeled (it’s been forever since we’d gone there; I think the last time was for Michelle’s birthday last year and it still looked kinda raunchy >_<). We did the RC and then they fed us. OMG. Sushi. Boat. [caption id="attachment_2474" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Sushi boat at Kohnami! Sushi boat at Kohnami![/caption]

The food was so good. I only served myself 5 little sushi pieces (I can eat around 10!), some rice and edamame.

Wally and EZ kept Michelle, Marie, Rick and I laughing. It was a blast. I ordered some rolls for my love (50% off, can’t beat it!) and was home by 6pm. I called the kiddos, got a summary of their day (the boys were playing Super Smash Bros together and the girls did the usual, like play Littlest Pet Shop and watch their customizing/baking/Littlest Pet Shop/Minecraft videos on YouTube). I rolled out of bed, where I’d been talking on the phone to the kids, and put on my workout clothes. I had told myself all day I was going to run because I ate that bread, heh. I seriously want to get into a routine again, and since Jorge was working and the kids aren’t here this weekend I had no excuse. So I went outside, where mosquitoes swarmed me, and watered my succulents. It was thundering and turning dark fast, so I went inside.

It took me forever to just START running. I put on Biggest Loser on NBC while I ran. I did 30 minutes (5 of those were spent vacuuming under the treadmill LOL) and I was EXHAUSTED. I couldn’t get control of my breathing.

At least I did something!
At least I did something!

Jorge got home and he ate his dinner while I showered. We watched “The Knick” for a while. I was getting hungry so I made us a snack :).

Cucumber, lime and Tajin!
Cucumber, lime and Tajin!

I managed to stay awake long enough to finish watching “We’re the Millers” and the rest of the most recent Sons of Anarchy episode. I fell asleep when I was watching each one the first time, surprise, surprise!

It was Karina’s birthday party that night at Ice House, but it started at 11pm and I was already falling asleep by 11pm =\. Jorge and I had discussed earlier in the day if we’d end up going.

Can we say homebodies?
Can we say homebodies?

It just seems like such a TASK for me, getting ready, driving, staying awake that long =\. Plus, if I wasn’t already sleepy and I have one drink, I’ll for sure GET sleepy. Had it been earlier, we might have gone. I hope she wasn’t offended :(.

Plus, we had to be up early for the boys games, and they were both far. I was already running late when Jorge barges into the bathroom, upset, because the boys mother didn’t wake up on time to drop them off for their game after a night of partying. I can’t believe that crap. No shame whatsoever!

But anyway. I already ranted about that earlier, heh.

I get to the school and squish my way to the bleachers. The grass was still wet from the rain and mosquitoes were everywhere. Thank God Mary had some OFF. We sprayed the girls and ourselves and the girls had their breakfast while we watched. Poor Jaylen’s teams lost. And since he played the entire game 2 weeks ago (they cancelled last week’s), they let the other boy play the entire time. Jaylen just went in for a while.

But at least I got to see them all :).

My #11!!
My #11!!
My Chicklets!
My Chicklets!

I waited for Jaylen and he told me about his thoughts of the game while we picked up some McDonald’s for him. I dropped him off and saw Eenan for a bit, till the GIANT mosquitoes started flying all over the place. There’s been 2 cases of West Nile in the Valley, so that makes me super nervous =\.

The skies turned gray as soon as I drove away and it started to drizzle. I went to Dollar General to pick up some birdseed. I was actually hoping to find a hummingbird feeder for cheap, but I didn’t, grr. I did, however, find some bags of soil for $0.30 each!

I got home, ate my oatmeal I picked up when I got Jaylen McDonald’s and now I’m here, typing. We need to go see Gramma and then Mom wants to pick up El Pato. Maybe I can convince her to pick up something at Salads Plus!

Going back on this post…I realize my life really does revolve around FOOD hehe!

Making Things Happen

Starting this post off with the more vexatious part…

Remember how I mentioned in my previous post that I’d need lots of patience this week? I was most definitely correct in my assumption. I’m usually pretty patient with people; I’ll brush something off if I’m bothered. But I just haven’t been able to brush this one thing off and I’m afraid I’m going to explode. I really do. I’m not the only who shares these feelings (which I’m relieved about! I’m not being oversensitive!), but when you’re going up against someone who gets their way 99% of the time, it’s difficult to see the light, y’know? I just think one should be more humble, more kind, but from what I’ve gathered in conversations with others, it’s just not in this person’s nature. And it’s sad.

Speaks volumes! Do unto others!!
Speaks volumes! Do unto others!!

Ahhhhh. See, now that’s better. I got my bit of therapy. Which reminds me of this article. I couldn’t agree more with it! Aside from chronicling my life, and my children’s lives, my blog (and “paper” journal) have truly been therapeutic for me.

So, anyway. I woke up at 5am Monday morning and told myself that I was going to kick that day’s ass. I dropped my boys off at school after we picked some Gatorades up for them. I got to work, went to our meeting, and when I got to my desk I wrote out a to-do list. I crossed out every single damn thing by the end of the day. I even had a work-related trip to Hobby Lobby, woo! I had to attend the Honduras Consulate ceremony at 5pm, which I’d forgotten about. I met my boss and Bob there and the first thing that happened was I was ushered off to the buffet table.

Authentic Honduran food!
Authentic Honduran food!

I was amazed by the unique spread. I didn’t even know what to ask for, so I went for a seafood soup and a type of bean and cheese taco in a flour tortilla. They were both AMAZING. The soup had a buttery, cheesy flavor. The Consul asked the man that made it (who also works at the Consulate) what ingredients made the soup “yellow” and he said it was “curry, saffron and a hint of mustard.” It was just so delicious!

I got home after the ceremony and Mom had already bathed and fed the girls. I helped them with homework, made Jorge dinner, read the girls their books and put them to bed. And then I sat with my love and painted.

Cheshire Cat mini pot
Cheshire Cat mini pot

I got those tiny pots at Hobby Lobby so I could plant my succulent leaflets in soil, now that their mother leaf was shriveling up.

My, how they've grown!
My, how they’ve grown!

These are the leaflets that have “made it” thus far, in their same planter. I’m still not sure WHAT I’m supposed to do with these (how often to water now that they’re in soil, for example), but they looked big enough to plant.

In their new home!
In their new home!

Tuesday was spent preparing for my event the next day. I’m thrilled that Michelle will be working with Laura and me on that one now :). It was a pretty normal day, except for having reception duty for a while in the afternoon. Then I went to HEB, got home and dropped the soap and supplies off, then John, the girls and I went to Wing Stop to pick up dinner.

Jorge was home right on time, we ate, and then I put the girls to bed after checking homework and then I happily snuggled on the sofa with my love, which caused me to pass out halfway through Sons of Anarchy. He’s never surprised anymore, heh. He’s the best, though, ’cause he pauses the show till we can watch it together when I’m conscious :).

I took Emily to test in the morning on Wednesday, dropped the girls off at their classes and then I met Michelle, Laura, Ivan and Thelma at the event. We had a great turnout, thank goodness! It was fun, and went smoothly, albiet about 20 minutes longer than usual.

I got to the office and immediately get a call from my boss to drop his camera off at their meeting at the Convention Center. Jorge and I were meeting for lunch, so I asked him if he wanted Subway in the plaza near the Convention Center. He said sure, so we meet there after I drop the camera off. We walk in, and posted on the sneeze guard is “Cash Only”. We never carry cash. So it was either Kumori or Johnny Rockets. Guess which one Jorge and Marco picked, heh.

It was such a great experience! I’d been there before with the guys from work, but this time they went all out. The customer service was great, music was great (thank you, Mother, for introducing me to this music since birth!), we got a show (the waiters and waitress danced for us!), and they served my ketchup in a smiley face!

You can't be sad at Johnny Rockets! You just can't!
You can’t be sad at Johnny Rockets!

Jorge said, “You just can’t be mad here. You can’t.”

I slide my head over and whisper, “I’m bringing you here when you’re mad then!”

I spoke to my boys on the way home from work. Eenan was having a bit of a teenage thing with his dad about curse words and he was venting. We talked about his day, like we usually do. I vented with him about something that was annoying me. And then I spoke to Jaylen, who sounded a bit croaky ’cause his school-issued chin-guard slipped off his chin and clocked him on the throat during football practice :(. We’d ordered some mouth-pieces and chin-guards for our 3 football players, but Jaylen’s chin-guard was missing a metal clip. I told him Jorge and I would replace it.

I get home and Mom had already fed and bathed the girls (woo! Bless her!), so that gave us a chance to paint together at the table, while I thawed some fish. They finished painting their mini pots and while I painted mine, they decided they were hungry again so Emily made herself some PB&J and Alaethia made herself a SALAD. Yes, a salad. She loves them. She asked me, “Mama, why don’t you make salads anymore?” Which made my stomach sink. I really SHOULD be making salads *slumps*.

I finished my pot:

A random-stitchy pot!
A random-stitchy pot!

And then the girls played. Mom stayed with them while Jorge and I went to put gas in my truck and replace the clip for Jaylen, which we did. Now my poor boy will hopefully not have that problem :(.

I actually stayed awake (for the most part) to watch “Are You Here?” That was pretty depressing! And Zack Gallafinakis (sp?) should never NOT have a beard :P!

Today was another productive day. Walked the girls to their classes. I’m so glad both are doing so much better in the morning. Emily’s attitude towards school now is like night and day!

We had an impromptu photo shoot today (well, impromptu for me, anyway) which went into lunch. I thought I missed the seminar I was supposed to attend, but I arrived only 5 minutes late. It was supposed to last 2 hours, but it only lasted around 30 minutes O_o. I got out of there, talked to the girls a bit and ate my Jason’s Deli at my desk. Of course finishing the chocolate chip cookie first. What is it about me and sugar?!

The afternoon went by fast. Did some planning regarding the Food Festival. And then I was on my way home. Jorge arrived with Jorgie and Justin and I moped about cooking. Jorge said, “Get the chicken out, I’ll cook.” I stared idly into the cabinets and I said, “It’s ok, I’ll figure it out…” I left the kitchen, came back in and he said, “Get out of here, I’m cooking.” Woohoo! You don’t have to tell me twice!

I lay in bed and called the boys while my love cooked. We talked about their day; Eenan’s excited about Super Smash Bros demo coming out at midnight and Jaylen didn’t have practice and got to relax. And read :).

Jorge came to snuggle with me…and we both passed out!

He woke up before me and finished up with dinner. It was amazing!

Dinner, courtesy of Jorge!
Dinner, courtesy of Jorge!

I got some comments on Instagram, which eventually led to me flipping through my photos and I was sad to see how “healthy” my posts were 2 months ago. I turned my laptop around and showed Jorge. I said, “Look at those healthy meals! And that watch with burned calories on it!”

He says, “If that watch cost money, you better use it.”

He realizes what he said. I turn slowly and say, “Um. How about that exercise thing you bought??” He smacks himself on the head and says, “Stupid Jorge. You walked into that one!” Buahaha.

I had said, at 9pm, that I was giving myself 30 minutes to allow my food to settle so I could get on the treadmill. It’s now 10:47pm and instead I’m blogging. Lord help me. I need to start exercising again. I feel so lazy and sloppy :(. And to make matters worse, I’ve not been eating as well as I should be, and my 3 month-check-up is tomorrow morning. Ay Dios Mio! I’m never getting off those cholesterol meds!

Wish me luck!