Category: Web

Bits and Pieces

As you can see, I changed the theme up a bit. It’s not exactly what I imagined; I wanted to throw a succulent in there somewhere, but I don’t have the proper tools for illustrating on this laptop and it’s late, etc, etc. I also need to figure out how to make my non-Wordpress pages work with the CSS/tables, but that’s a whole other day, heh. Oh well, at least the blog works!

It’s been pretty low-key the last 3 days.

My love and I spent the morning being lazy on Sunday and had breakfast at Taco Ole.

That breakfast tho!
That breakfast tho!

We picked up some stuff we needed for the pets (namely the fish) at Petco and then we picked up Jorge’s boys to spend the day with us.

They watched football while I did some cleaning, lazied around, cleaned my bedroom and organized my desk and then it was time to start the week. Meh.

The girls have been wonderful. They helped with dinner yesterday after John and I got back from grocery shopping:

Helping make lasagna!
Helping make lasagna!

They’ve been super polite and helpful and willing to do their homework and brush their teeth and go to bed without whining about it. Tonight they didn’t even watch TV or play on their iPads; they spend their time playing Teacher and Student. They would call me every-so-often to pretend I was picking Emily up from daycare and checking her folder, heh.

Poor Jaylen hurt himself in football so he didn’t practice today. I hope he’s better tomorrow, and definitely 100% for his game on Saturday.

Eenan’s into his art and tonight he showed me some of his earlier stuff, from middle school (through Facebook, of course). He’s come a long way :)!

As much as it pains me to do so–because I’d rather be painting, or reading blogs or working on the scrapbook page I never got around to doing…

Pending pages!
Pending pages!

(It’s been like that since Sunday. I at least managed to CUT the photos today, heh.) …I’m going to go ahead and get in bed. Hopefully, Jorge will keep from stealing the covers all night like he did last night and I won’t wake up every 30 minutes >_

Maybe. Hopefully.

I contemplated clicking “Move to Trash” several times as I typed this, but I think I’m okay with putting this out there.

I read this article on what kids with divorced parents think earlier. It makes my stomach turn. It makes me a little sad.

The boys and I have had endless conversations, usually on the 30-minute drive home from picking them up after work the weekends I do have them.

I know we shouldn’t bad-mouth the other parent–all the articles and people tell you this–but it’s hard not to when I think about everything that happened, how it happened and how the boys aren’t physically with me everyday, and WHY they’re not with me: to spite me.

When we have these conversations it’s almost like verbal vomit; a desperate plea from me for them to understand that if I had $10,000 to go to jury trial they would be with me.

Eenan thinks about it, I know he does because he’s verbal about it. Jaylen, not so much. He’s more reserved in general. He’ll input his thoughts when we’re having one of those conversations once in a while, at least.

I know that back then when we first separated he and his family would talk crap about me to the kids. They told me so themselves. That I was the reason everything fell apart, that I was the one who abandoned them, when I never did. They took them from me. They planned it perfectly.

But I hope the boys know the truth; I mean, they’ve told me themselves they do. They remember what our life together was like. Yes, there we good memories, but at the same time there was a lot of resentment and regret on his part, which eventually led to the marriage dissolving.

And on Jorge’s end; it’s hard to be nice about the boys’ mother when she does things like she did yesterday. When she wastes away their child support in bars. When they need things for school or clothes and she can’t afford them ’cause the money is gone. It’s hard to “be civil” when you know that goes on. When you know they’d be better off with you.

I know she does it; the kids have mentioned it in passing and, hello, even goes on social media to get pity/pats on the back from her supporters, by bad-mouthing Jorge. Sometimes, like yesterday, we get pissed off and stoop to that level. You can only be the “better person” for so long.

I’d read this other article–I almost wanted to send it to the other parents–about how teenagers and adults needed long-term therapy because of their divorced parents and them bad-mouthing each other. I know I, myself, need years of therapy to get over everything. I tell Jorge about it all the time. I don’t want our kids to go through that; what the people in this article have. They’ve been through enough, and this article really opened my eyes. But when you just can’t see eye-to-eye with the other parents, it’s hard to come to that peace. When you want all the kids to live with you and they don’t, it’s hard to come to it. When you have the history that we all have, it’s hard to come to it. But, for the kids’ sake, maybe, hopefully, one day it’ll happen.



Old Becomes New

I’m pleased to announce that I have resurrected my beloved “Fang” theme! This is one of my favorite layouts I’ve ever created and couldn’t wait to sit down and update it to suit my current content.

I started the day by making myself an epic omelet. This one consisted of crab, spinach, avocado and gouda cheese :).


I slacked around a while, sitting with Mom in the kitchen nook and then I started cleaning. Freddy ordered the Marquez fight, so we’d be having company. My love called during lunchtime and needed me to drop off a key, so I joined him and Marco for lunch at Palenque Chicken. I went grocery shopping since I was already over there, then to the bank and headed home. I cleaned some more and THEN…I sat at my now-favorite part of the house:

My Sanctuary

Jorge and I did some Autumn-cleaning last week and I have to give him most of the credit for our bedroom makeover. He’s a genius :).

I was surprised that I hadn’t completely forgotten how to move around my website and my old theme. I did however, shamefully, had to reinstall my good ol’ Paint Shop Pro…because I couldn’t for the life of my dinosaur brain figure out how to use this damn Windows 8!!! >_< But I remembered how to use PSP and voila!! Fang is reborn!!! I'm proud to mention I still have my pixel-drawing skillz buahaha. I made my tiny little social media icons there on the top right. Not too shabby, eh?? I guess I'll go outside and be social. I hope Sally comes over after all. We got to hang out last night for Michelle's birthday at Kohnami, a lot of our co-workers and my love and Sally made an appearance, too, so that was pretty nice :). I sang "Cowboy Take Me Away" during karaoke, and "Como La Flor" with Gerry. We had a great time :). My BFFs!

My honey and I!

Alright, alright. Going off on a tangent again. Goodnight!