Spring Cold
Ughhhh. Of course I would get a cold on the weekend, the same day I get my period. Not only am I having body aches from the cold—I’m also having aches in my lower back and uterus. Thank God I didn’t get a fever because I’ve had my heating pads on 24/7. Can you imagine!?
This cough kept me awake so I went to sleep really late. Still obsessing over plant care and looking up how to not kill certain species. I was bold enough to ask in the garden center of Walmart if they’d mark down a Snow Queen Waffle Plant because she looked like she was on her last leg. So they left the poor thing to me at $1.50. I hope I didn’t just pay for her to die at my house 😆 .

I guess I feel pretty good about just staying home and resting. I asked the kids not to ask for rides so I can get over this thing in peace.
I’m going to either watch “Workin’ Moms”, read or pass out. I already watered the plants that needed watering. Who am I kidding—I know damn well I’m going to go back into that Houseplant group I spend all my time in on Facebook and beg for tips on how to save my rooty Key Lime Pie succulent.