Valentine’s Day 2018

This week has gone by incredibly fast! I feel like it was just Monday–when the girls had me running around for Valentine cards (because Mom forgot!), or Tuesday–when Alaethia texted me after work to request a Valentine’s Day outfit, and that she would pay for it with her birthday money (note: she didn’t πŸ™„ ). So off we go, after waiting for Jorgie and their mom to stop by for Jules’ cards and birthday money from Dina. (We had a mini celebration for Jules on Sunday. Like I mentioned in my previous post: I’m so behind!!)

We checked Target and Wal-Mart and nothing. So she opted for a white blouse that she would wear with my red cardigan and necklace (yes, the 11-yr-old already wears my clothes!). Next morning: didn’t like the blouse πŸ™„ . She’s already such a teenager, but you can’t help but love that girl lol.

I also woke up to this amazingness!

(It’s safe to say I put Keto on hold for a little bit!)

My love went all out, like he usually does! He also got me some diamond earrings (my birthstone), that I didn’t have a chance to take a photo of because I put them on so quickly πŸ˜† .

Had a pretty quick morning at work and had lunch with Blanca and Gerry at the cafe inside Quips ‘n’ Quotes. It’s always so good catching up with them!!

The afternoon at work went by a little slower, but it could have been because I was so excited about our date!! Jorge made reservations at House.Wine & Bistro, even before I liked the event on Facebook lol.

I got him a shirt and candies after work (he has always told me I’m not supposed to spend on him for Valentine’s Day because it’s my day, and it’s for girls πŸ˜† , but I don’t feel right not getting him anything! I got mom some flowers and sugar free candies, too.

I got home and got a message from Jorge that he’d left his truck at home and for me to pick him up at work, so there I go. I’m talking to Eenan on the way and he’s retelling a story about saving a hen (or “Polla”, as we affectionately refer to them) from JoJo and Dodger and now he and Jaylen are trying to herd her back to safety, but she’s trapped in the yard behind the fence. So Jaylen grabs her and she just plops herself in his arms πŸ˜† .

I love it!! Totally making it his profile pic on my contacts πŸ˜† .

We get home and start getting ready after getting updates from the girls about their day. Mario stops by to see the girls and then I get the oven ready for the girls’ dinner so Mom can set them up before we leave. We give instructions, kisses, and tell them not to stay up late.

We arrive a bit early so we have a cocktail at the bar.

I see Jessica, the owner, and we hug. It was so good to see her!

We’re seated after a little bit and we order our meal. We’re having the Tomahawk steak and lobster meal with the works. They start us off with champagne…

…and the best crab cake I’ve ever had in my life!

Then we moved on to our wine (Moscato) and our salad:

We toast, and talk about life and the kids and our goals for this, and upcoming years. He tells me how he stayed positive even though he was scared about me switching jobs (haven’t gotten to that yet! Another blog post!) and how he knew that if he said anything at all, it would scare and discourage me so he kept it in. I tell him that yes, any spark of uncertainty on his part would have caused me to say, “Nevermind! I’m staying where I am!” Like I have all these years. We toast again to our successes and what’s to come.

And then it’s time for the star of the show:

Wait, let me give you another angle…

An arm comparison:

That steak…I finally understand what people mean when they say the steak was like butter, or cut like butter. It was incredible!! And that lobster, and the carrots and Brussels sprouts!! Oh my gosh, it was all to die for!

Then it was time for dessert:

Chocolate CrΓ©me Brulee…it was magnificent! I was so glad Jorge was full and left me most of it πŸ˜† !

It was such a phenomenal night!! This handsome, extremely hardworking man right here–how did I get so lucky?? He went above and beyond with surprises!! And the best part is: it’s not just during Valentine’s Day lol. Don’t get me wrong: he could be moody and snappy, but I wouldn’t change him for anything!

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