Category: Friendship

Good Lord, I’m Tired!

Seems like Mario and I are commuticating by Post-It notes lately. I wake up at 6, leave to school at 7 so I don’t get to see him “awake”. He gets home anywhere from 8:30 to 10 p.m. and I’m usually getting ready for bed at that time. I leave notes for him like, “Don’t forget your lunch!” on the coffee pot where he’ll see it. It’s a bit depressing, but I knew it would happen once I started school .

We spent a little bit of time together yesterday. He worked till 3 p.m. even though it was his day off, but he had a huge System to finish up. We watched TV for a bit and then I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. He wanted meatballs and I’d never made them before so I looked for a recipe online and combined 3 different ones together and made some pretty damn good meatballs. I added too much salt, but even then they tasted awesome. I shall post the recipe sometime, if I remember and have time.

Tonight, he got out at who knows what time, dropped his co-worker, Mario, off at home, and went to drop something off at Jorge’s and he’s still there and will probably still be there till 2am. The one time he could get home early, and he doesn’t. Grr.

Anyway, it’s been great getting to know Ricci the past few days. She gets here early, we leave, hang out at school with the rest of our friends and then when we come home we chill out here at my house and then I drop her off. We have a LOT in common. It’s nice having a friend to chat with about everything. She brought tamales for us for breakfast a few days ago, which was the sweetest thing. She also took me grocery food shopping, since we were running low LOL, to “pay me back” for taking her to and from school, which I told her wasn’t even a big deal since she lives super close to me. It’s not like I’m spending extra gas or anything, but she’s just a really nice person. I’m not used to that kind of a friend (*thinks back to the olden days*) and it’s quite refreshing.

I was the first to finish all of today’s assignments (we’re using Mail Merge in Word, which is so nifty!), which was really cool. A lady came in looking for blood donors and I jumped at the chance. Although I’m terrified of needles, I really, really wanted to donate…there’s a shortage. I had an appointment the first week of school, but something happened to some equipment and they left early. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I got to talk to two girls who are in my class I never got a chance to speak to before. One of them had already donated so she kind of walked us through it. They gave us juice and snacks and a t-shirt and a $5 coupon to the movies, which is AWESOME since Mario and I wanted to go this weekend . We even got to keep the little foamy ball we squeezed for dear life, but Jaylen already lost it.

We had a pizza party. Our “group” sat together and we had a good time. Something happened that kind of made us think a little less of some people, but I won’t mention it just in case my URL gets out–don’t want to cause any problems.

I’m so tired. Electricity went out so I was reading The Chamber of Secrets, which I still haven’t even gotten halfway on, and now I’m super sleepy. My arm feels all funky, too, like it’s sore or something, but not where they stuck the needle–it’s more like my shoulder .

*yawn* I need to put these boys to bed. They won’t stop screaming their little heads off !


Busy Bee

Feels like I never get a chance to update. Thank you so much to all who wished my little man a Happy Birthday :). I promise I’ll get back to everyone soon. One of these days this week, I’m just going to spend all my free time online so I can catch up .

I’m so incredibly tired right now, but I’m waiting for The Real World to finish so I can jump in the shower. Then I gotta straighten my hair. I hate having to straighten it. I love how it looks when it’s straight, but it takes sooo long. If only I could find something to help my waves look nice.

Oh my gosh. That’s so sad ! I won’t mention it, just in case some of you haven’t seen the episode, but what happened’s just so sad.

Anyway, we went to Mexico on Sunday after all. Searched high and low for a Yu-gi-oh piñata and finally found one for only $7 after walking 7 blocks after we walked to El Parian (which is this huge marketplace with little shops and restaurants).

I bought some birth control pills, since that’s where I get them, and damn did they shoot the price up on them. I used to get them for $2-3 and now they cost almost $6! I know that’s still cheap for BC, but when I only had $15, and had to save $10 of that for the piñata, it caught me by surprise LOL. We had some tortas and the best milkshake ever, and then we came home.

It took an hour to get back and just today I saw on the news that the reason it takes so much longer now is because they installed radiation detectors. I think it’s great, but damn does it take long and it was SO incredibly hot.

School’s been going great. I love working with Word — I’m a geek, I know. I finished all my assignments early today so I just helped out whoever needed help during the last period. It’s pretty nice knowing people actually appreciate my help .

I’m going to start carpooling with Ricci. Her ride bailed on her so her grandma will drop her off here in the morning and we’ll leave together and then after school I’ll drop her off. We chilled out here for a while — she even helped me paint some of those darn Yu-gi-oh’s, which was so nice of her :). (I didn’t make her help me, I swear!) I went to drop her off after that and I met her grandma, cousins and her little girls who are too cute.

I think there was more I was going to write about, but Lordy I’m so tired. I shall go and bathe now.


I’m Lovin’ It

I woke up at 5:45 yesterday but I had the alarm set for 6. My stomach was churning and I thought, “Oh no, I’ve caught some kind of bug!”, but it was actually just nerves. I got ready within 20 minutes, so I had 40 minutes to wait. I watched the news and just grew more and more nervous. I said my “I love you’s” to Mario and the boys and then I left. I was actually really nervous for Mario too, as he’s never had to get ready “alone” but one other time, and he ended up forgetting his lunch, couldn’t find his belt and other little annoyances for him.

The expressway was actually really calm and I got to school by 7:24. We were to meet at 8, so I waited. When I saw my advisor get there, I went ahead and went in. As soon as I walked through the door I see another girl waiting and I say, “Hi!”. She smiled, said hi back, and we just started talking. I was so relieved I met someone nice LOL. Her name’s Lucy, and she’s pretty cool. Her commute to work’s actually longer than mine, which surprised me. There was a total of 5 of us yesterday and we joined the other group of CBS (computer business systems) students who’d already been there a month. AND I’m not the oldest in the class either. Most of the students are 18-19, but there’s a handful of 22-24 year olds .

We were supposed to have orientation, but I guess they forgot about us because we ended up doing nothing and just talking most of the 4 hours. It’s pretty cool because we get a break every hour for 10 minutes. Time passes by pretty quickly. We’ll be starting on Microsoft Word for the next 20 days and we had our first assignment yesterday, which was just writing down terms and finding their definitions.

I stopped by Mario’s work after school since he wanted to know how it went and I had the cell phone. As I expected, he ended up forgetting his lunch at home and poor thing had cereal for breakfast, which he ISN’T used to LOL.

I’m so happy that I probably won’t be having homework much (maybe except for when we start PowerPoint and have to do presentations…ack!) and can do everything I need to do at home. Even had time to bake some banana bread yesterday! It was awesome…I’ll be posting the recipe soon . Didn’t get to see Mario for too long last night since he got home from work late, but at least I can stay up on the weekends and spend more time with him .

I was much less nervous today. Woke up at 6:10 even! Left at 7:15 and I still got there super early…at 7:33 in fact, and I drove the speed limit. Some cunt almost made me ram into her since I was going 65 (the speed limit) and she was going 45 and creeped into my lane…grr!

A new girl, Ricci, started today and she lives less than a mile away from me. The group of us that started during this session are all pretty friendly with eachother. I think everyone’s nice so far :).

We’re starting with the basics, which is actually pretty boring, but there are some students who don’t know anything about Word, period. We’ve got a really good teacher; she explains everything in detail, so I’m hoping when we start the math courses I won’t have as much trouble as I thought I would. With all three assignments that we did today, I was one of, if not the first, to finish. I am so loving this class. I’ve got no problem with typing for 3 hours :D. AND we get to get out early, too. We got out at 11:30 yesterday and today!

Gotta clean up, yet again, before this place turns into a pig-stye and it becomes overwhelming. THEN I have to paint those darn Yu-gi-oh’s for Eenan’s party. I’ve only completely painted ONE!
