*dusts off blog*
First, Happy (belated) Birthday to Jessica! And my new Myspace username is much easier: myspace.com/yajairav. I wanted Yajaira, or Yaya, but those were taken. That’s the most creative thing I could come up with LOL. Add me if you’d like, and I’ll add you back
Once again, I’ve gone days without updating. Things are hectic as always and it doesn’t help that I caught Mary and Noelia’s throat infection/cold. The first day was hell…couldn’t swallow or talk, lost my voice and then yesterday I had this annoying tickling, prickly feeling at the back of my throat that made me cough everytime I began to talk. I’m taking Cefzil…500mg. Was supposed to be taking 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night, but the one I took at night the first day made me horribly naseous…I couldn’t sleep. Today I’ve got the uncontrollably runny nose
We took the boys to the doctor Tuesday or Wednesday of last week. We actually took them to another doctor, a night clinic, since their doctor’s office was already closed. They were no help whatsoever. They prescribed Motrin and cough medicine, which is what I was already giving them at home, thankyouverymuch. Eenan was falling asleep in class because the cough medicine made him really drowsy. I took him off the medicine and kept him on Triaminic and he’s doing much better now. So’s Jaylen, except he’s been getting knee aches every night (growing pains?) and wakes me up at least 5 times to ask for medicine, a warm rice sock, something to drink, or to “play with my hair”. (I really need to wean him off of that bad, bad habit!) Needless to say, the past week I’ve been sleepy and tired all day. I’ve been trying not to nap, since it only makes me feel worse
While eating dinner on Friday night after Mario got home from work, he tells me Annie, an old friend of Mario’s who I highly dislike and who used to be a stripper, filled out an application where Mario works. He assumes she won’t get hired since they just hired somebody. He couldn’t avoid her since she was at the entrance and he had to pass through there, so he said hi and she updated him on her life. The first thing she said was, “I’m not with [insert ex’s name here] anymore”. When he told me I was thinking, “Okay, why is she telling Mario?”. Since I’m a bitch and all, I asked Mario, “Wow…why’s she applying there, I wonder? What happened to her glamorous job as an ‘exotic dancer’?” I will throw a fit if that woman ends up working there. I don’t trust her skanky ass for shit. Doesn’t help that I’m not too fond of her dear sister either, who just so happened to be one of Mario’s best friends when he was in 10th grade and who also ended up stripping, though I don’t know WHY she’d allow other people to see her naked *shudder*. The horror! But anyway, I found it kinda weird that I’d been thinking about her earlier that day and had no idea why. That must have been it. I’m psychic
We went to Jorge and Maggie’s that night to bar-be-cue. Mario had gone by once last week to have a few beers with Jorge…he hadn’t been going over there at all, which was really surprising. Hiram and Jorge have been acting weird since we went to Albert’s birthday party. Even while we were there that night I noticed Hiram was being sort of distant and even sort of…secretive? He said something to Jorge like, “Remember what I was telling you earlier? I don’t know if you want me to say anything or not.” I thought it was really “elementary school” and I felt like saying something sarcastic, but I shut my mouth. We all still talked and laughed like we usually do, but there was this awkwardness lingering.
On Saturday we went to Reynosa (Mexico) since Yazmin needed her bottom braces done and to pick up the plaster Ninja Turtle centerpieces and some candies. We went to get the Turtles while Yazmin was at the dentist with Yadira and the darn people didn’t even have them done! Mary had ordered them exactly a month in advance and they weren’t finished. They wanted us to come back next week and Mary told them that no, we needed them that day which was the whole reason she ordered them early. Next week is the party and we would not have time to go back. I notice the man was barely painting them. He had them painted mostly green already and I told Mary maybe it’s best if we just take them that way and paint the details (like their bandanas, arm and leg bands) ourselves since he’s probably also going to use the spray paint and since he was doing them in a hurry, he was most likely going to make a mess. So we brought them that way and have been painting them little by little. Tommy, Yadira, and the girls have all helped and so have Eenan and Jaylen. Here’s a picture. The one on the left is the first one we bought and decided we didn’t like the paint job and the one on the right is one of the many we’ve painted (there’s 14, and we still have a few details, like the eyes, to paint and touching up to do.)
We still have to order the cake, send out more invitations, buy the goodie bags and party favors AND his birthday present. *whew*
The boys were terrible at the candy store. They weren’t asking for everything they saw…they were either not moving (Eenan decided to plop himself on a box and refused to budge) or running around (Jaylen was running like a psycho all over the store). I was furious, not to mention embarrassed, by the time we were done there. What I’d give to have a remote control that would make them obey me at the push of a button
As for Mom’s appointment last week, everything went well, thank goodness. They can’t figure out why she’s seeing blurry so they prescribed new glasses and she’ll go back in 2-3 months for another check up. I hope it’s just that she needed new glasses *crosses fingers*.
I haven’t seen Gramma in 2 weeks. I hate when this happens. I, of course, have asked Mario on his days off to take me to see her but his excuse is it’s his only day off and he wants to rest. Phooey. I’d take the car and go over there myself…what makes me nervous is that I’ve never driven over there and traffic is super busy. But we’ll see. I’m turning 23 on Thursday and I swear, I WILL be getting my damn license this year. With Mario’s help or not.
Speaking of birthday, it feels like it’s not even going to be my birthday yet. We’re beyond broke, so I don’t even know when we’ll be getting together (like the family usually does when there’s a birthday). It just feels odd. I can’t believe we’re this broke. Sure we indulged a little bit last week, but Jesus, we haven’t had to pinch pennies before the next paycheck comes in months. It sucks. Mario also wants to start sending double payments for the Sentra to pay it off already since we only owe $4,000 on it now and then he wants to get a new car. Blah. We can never just NOT have a huge payment to make for a few months.
I had an appointment to go to with Jaylen yesterday and I saw Melissa, an old friend from my 10th grade year of high school. She had a newborn baby with her and I could tell she’d just had a baby because she looked so uncomfortable and tired. I felt like saying hi, but since we sort of had a falling out at the end of that year, I didn’t say anything. It’s too bad that it happened, but oh well. Don’t need those kinds of friends anyway I suppose. It just sucks that MOST of the friends I’ve had in real life have somehow screwed me over or done something to make me lose trust in them. Don’t want to get into that again, so I’ll just stop.
I guess I’ll get back to painting those Turtles.