Sunday, June 17, 2012
I gave Jorge his gifts at 1am, right before we went to sleep. I’d gotten him clothes and jeans (which he’d already stolen a few days before Father’s Day LOL) so he could wear a new outfit the next morning. He had a huge smile on his face and said, “When do you even find the time to do this??” Heh. I’m awesome like that :D.
We woke up the next morning and I started on his breakfast while he watched TV. I called him to the dining room when his omelet was ready and his boys greeted him with “Happy Father’s Day!” :).

He loved it :). We ate with the kiddos and then we all sat to watch a movie (which I totally can’t remember right now, heh). I think we watched about 2 movies before I got up to start on Father’s Day lunch: shrimp cocktail.

The boys loved it and kept saying, “OMG. This is the BEST shrimp we’ve ever had!” I’ve said it many times: our boys definitely know how to make me feel good about my cooking hehe.
We chilled out some more and just had a perfect lazy day. He said it was great; that he hadn’t had a day like that in a long time and he needed it. He most definitely deserved it :).
Mario brought my babies back at 6pm :). All us girls got in the van around 7:30pm and went to pick up a botana from Espi’s, which is our favorite place for botanas. My kids had had some the night before at Mario’s, but they were excited for the Espi’s botana, too LOL. I love that we can feed 3 adults and 6 kids with ONE botana!
It was great sitting around the table with the entire family ♥. Even Eenan said, “Isn’t this nice?” and he looked at me from under all that hair and smiled .
We chilled out the rest of the day and after we were showered and cuddled in bed I asked Jorge if he’d had a good day. He said, “The best in a really long time”. The only thing that made him a little sad was he wasn’t able to see his littlest one :(.
Monday, June 18th
I made a huge (HUGE) to-do list of things I needed to get done NOW. There were many things I had pending and I figured since I was getting out early from work most days, my goal was to accomplish EVERYTHING in one week.
I met Jorge and his friend at Palenque Chicken for lunch (coupon!). I love that place. Best chicken bowls and green salsa in the planet! Too bad I had to tell myself to stop scarfing said chips and salsa :(.
I got out of work at 3:30 that day and took the car for an oil change (with a coupon, heh). I was out of there by 5pm and I rushed to pay John’s car (I don’t know WHY he is still so afraid to do it himself ), I picked up an 8×10 photo of Jorge and I at the beach from Walgreens (totally free!) and THEN I got home to make dinner.
By the time dinner was ready it was 6:30pm. My love got home and he sat down to eat with all of us. Then we made our way to the library, FINALLY! Jorge stayed home to rest up because after our trip to the library, we were jogging :).

The boys looked for their books first, in the teen section. I had no idea how strict their “sections” really were; Emily and Alaethia’s squeals of laughter soon got us kicked out of there LOL. So the boys finished up and we headed to the little kids’ section. The girls bounced all over the place finding books and a movie.
We set up my card for self-check-outs and the kids (and I must admit, I was too) were in awe of the check-out system. All we had to do was set the books on this magnetic mat and that was it! Our books were checked out to us!
They talked about it all the way home.
Eenan took his books to his bed…and promptly passed out LOL. The rest of the gathered at the table and read. It was beautiful!

The girls went off with mom to read and then the boys sprawled on the sofas to finish up their chapters. I got into my jogging clothes and then woke Jorge up, who’d re-energized.
We did 4 1/2 miles, this time down a road near our house. We wanted to time ourselves from one mile to the next to make sure we were indeed doing 4-5 miles a day at the park, since the park doesn’t have markers or anything. We timed it, and we’re definitely doing 4-5 a day! We did Ab Ripper at home. We picked up our Lifewaters and sat outside for a while before going in and getting all the kiddos settled in bed :).
Tuesday, June 19th
It was the usual at work. It was becoming overcast, like it may rain. By lunchtime, it was drizzling and felt awesome outside. Michelle, and I met EZ, Jorge and his friend at Jimmy’s Egg for lunch. The food took a while getting to the table this time, but it was GOOD.

We ate, then we all headed back to work. I made a few calls; checked what time I could go in to get my license renewed, and talked to two different places about my credit. I was also expecting a rebate from a company, but kept getting the run-around. Grr. Adult things are so annoying!
I got out of work at 4 and got to the place by 4:15. I was out by 4:30 and I STILL hate my photo LOL. Oh well, at least it was DONE.
I made a quick trip to Dollar Tree, for some supplies for Light Bug Jars I’d seen on Pinterest. It looked simple enough, but I wasn’t sure it would work.
I got some glow-stick bracelets (to cut in half and dump into the jars), glitter, and I already had the jars at home. Of course I couldn’t just walk out of there with only what I intended to buy, so I got some Popsicles, a mini Plant Genie to water my poor dying potted flowers outside, dish soap and a toy for Ruffles that the kids could torture him with :D, heh.
I made dinner when I got home (fideo), and I ate with the kiddos. Eenan is the last of the kids to finish and says, “Thanks, Mum.”
“Welcome, my sweetie,” I say, fanning my mouth. “Whoo, it’s warm!”
Eenan says, “Why, you farted?”
I make this face: D: and laugh, “No!!! ‘Cause of the soup, darnit!”
He’s growing up. It’s all about the farts these days *sigh*.
Jorge got home from work, ate, and was moody so he moped in the bedroom LOL. I gathered the supplies:

I covered the patio table in newspaper, each kiddo chose a jar and then we got to work. Jorge quietly came outside and started helping the kiddos cut their light sticks :). I helped them shake the glitter inside and voila! Light bug jars!

They were super excited with them. The girls kept talking about using them as their night lights that night :).
Jorge and I got ready for our jog and we took off. Halfway through our first mile, Sally calls. She wanted to go over so the little ones could play together. Jorge playfully gasps for air and says, “Tell her yes!! We can go back right now!!” LOL
I told her we’d do 4 miles and go home. So we did. This is our view when we jog on the road:

Blurry, of course, because my flash doesn’t work when I’ve got low battery. Grr. I really hope the City installs a running trail here. There’s lots of joggers on that road.
We got home and Sally arrived a few minutes later. The kiddos had a BLAST playing. We chatted inside in the dining room and then we went out to the porch to listen to some music. We took turns choosing songs and had a glass of wine while the little ones threw a ball around. At one point, Quentin wanted to play roughly and Sally quickly addressed him: “No Quentin! They’re little girls. They don’t play that way.” He shrugs and says, “Well then you play with me.” She says, “I can’t play with you that way, I’m a girl, too!” He says, “Awww. But I wanna have Super-Duper Fun!!” LOL!!
When they went inside to get Quentin’s scooter, Emily hit him on the neck (grr). He and Alaethia come outside to report and I can see the blinds in the boys room slit open at the bottom and Emily’s little eyes are staring at me. I scowl at her and motion that she’s in big trouble and hitting isn’t allowed. She snaps the blinds back shut, and when she realizes Quentin is fine and he and Aly are playing outside without her, she comes outside, puts her hands on her hips, takes a deep breath, rolls her eyes and exhales, “I’m sorry I smacked you, Quinten.” He shrugs and says, “It’s ok,” and they start playing ball again. Kids! LOL It was a great, great evening :).
Wednesday, June 20th
We brainstormed ideas for one of our big events at work and I did an emergency check request. I met my love at Kumori for lunch ♥. We hadn’t been there in a while. We behaved; we only had our usual jalapeño firecracker and he has his Omega roll and I had the Galaxy Roll. So, so good! I couldn’t even finish up my roll, though.
We went back to work and I got out at 3:30 to pick up the girls and take them to their dentist, again, for their sealants. Emily was still very nervous, but after coaxing her she seemed like she’d actually allow them to work on her teeth. But she didn’t. She cried and was just so sad. They said she was still little; she could get her sealants in 6 months. She still got her 2 tokens to get a prize :).
Alaethia did excellently. She was such a big girl :). It helps when they have sweet nurses who’ll walk them through everything and compare the dental tools to little animals and such, heh.
The girls got their prizes and we went home. The ice cream man was passing by and the girls and Justin scrambled for their dollars. I didn’t have cash (when will ice cream trucks get with the program and accept debit cards?!) so the other kiddos were a bit sad. But then I remembered the popsicles I’d bought and they had a snack before Mario picked them up :(.
I always tell myself I’m going to relax when my babies aren’t here, but I couldn’t. I started moping right away so instead I got busy tiding up and then I made dinner. And then I tried to blog but that never happened and I started getting sleepy so I ate dinner (can’t remember what I made ). Jorge got home, he sat with the boys a while and then I got ready for our jog. We did 5 miles that night. We discovered this new road connecting Bentsen and Ware that now goes all the way through. So we jogged that and Ware Rd. and went around to our street. We kicked a soccer ball around a bit and then we went to buy snacks for ourselves and the boys.

We got home and ate our snacks and watched TV with the boys a while :).
Thursday, June 21st
I realized I forgot to request a check so I spent the morning doing that. Grr. I also had several unintended talks about bills and such. I really want to get my credit cleared up. I got a letter stating that my credit score was dropping and I really do hate that .
I met my love and his co-workers at Espi’s–my FAVORITE. I didn’t take a photo of my plate, which is my usual cheese enchiladas, because I’d like to think in my brain that I’m actually making an effort to eat well. But I’m not *sigh*. At least I get an A for Effort, since I could only eat 1 and a half, and I used to be able to eat all 3!
I had been on the phone with my car insurance and they set up an appointment with an adjuster for that day. I got out of work and of course it would start pouring when I began to run my errands! I went to the bank, and then to the adjuster. Too bad my windshield was so damaged by non-hail that they didn’t cover it. Oh well. We got everything ready; now we’d just need to take the car into the dealership for an estimate.
I went to Walmart to pick up a bottle of wine and a few things we needed around the house. I called my kiddos, and then I just chilled out reading and surfing Pinterest. It was lovely. I didn’t even have to make dinner because Jorge was picking up pizza (the boys’ request) and I had a dinner party to go to at Kary’s with the girls :). We wanted to meet up with Carmen before she and her family move to their new station.
I changed, Jorge got home and ate with the kiddos. He’d be out for about an hour, so they stayed with Mom, reading. I left, got gas in the van, dropped off a Red Box movie and went to Kary’s :).
Daisy G. was already there with her little girl :). We were just catching up, sitting around the table as Kary finished up dinner when she got a phone call. Her hubby’s grandfather had just passed away :(. At the same time, I was getting a text from Jorge that someone showed up unannounced at our house to drop things off for the boys. I was livid, but he told me not to let it bother me; to enjoy the night with my friends since I never see them. So I did. We only spent a little bit of time at Kary’s since we wanted to give her and her husband some privacy. She told us to eat and we post-poned the gathering for another time.

They have the same dining set we do, but theirs is square :). Their apartment is super cute and cozy!
Since Jessica and Sally were already getting ready I asked them to meet me at Starbucks, so we could at least hang out for a while. Daisy had to pick up her little boy, so she didn’t think she’d make it. Before we leave her daughter, who is 8, tells me, “Yajaira, you’re really pretty”. She is the cutest, sweetest thing!!
I left and met up with the girls. We had fun catching up, sharing stories, and taking about 100 pics LOL. I don’t know how girls do it to take a photo where everyone comes out looking decent! It took us forever (and even then, I didn’t really like the ones of me, heh).

This was the best we got. The other 99 that we took together had one of us squinting or looking somewhere else LOL. The lighting was NOT merciful on our eyes!
We stayed till closing, which is something we hadn’t done in forever! I got home and Jorge was hanging out with two of his buddies, and then Javi came over for a bit and I was exhausted so I excused myself and I’m pretty sure I passed out LOL.
Friday, June 22nd
The morning went by pretty fast. I did work stuff, paid my bills and by the time I knew it, it was lunch time. I met my love at Buffalo Wings and Rings and I ordered my usual medium garlic Parmesan wings. We were super gluttonous and ordered some spinach and artichoke dip. That’s my weakness. Those who know me well know I could survive on that stuff!
I only ate a few pita triangles of dip and 3 wings LOL. I guess my stomach really is shrinking; I can’t eat how I used to (that’s a good thing!). Moderation! Too bad I had “bad” lunches two days in a row. Ok, who am I kidding? I pretty much ate like crap all week!

Jorge dropped me off since he was taking the van into the dealership for the estimate. He drops it off and tells me they had a ridiculous waiting time of 6 months!! So he called the insurance company and they told him to find whomever we wanted and they’d re-do the check. Grr.
I did a few certificates at work. Michelle’s boss introduced me to this new 3-d printer they were expecting on Monday. You simply (hah!) draw something up in the 3-d graphics program and it prints in 3-d, kind of like a prototype machine!
The afternoon passed, slowly. I actually had to stay till 5pm since I’d used up my 5 hours during the week running all my errands. I got out of work, picked up a prescription at Walmart, got home, and started making dinner since I wanted the boys to eat before their mother picked them up. I had no idea what to make but I pulled this together:

We could have done without the croissants, but I wanted some carbs, hehe. The boys raved about it :). The poor things waited for their mother to get there and she never did. Jorge got home, ate, and then we went for our jog. I was NOT feeling it that night. I was whining and just not in a good mood. Jorge made me laugh and kept the conversation going as we jogged, so I felt a little better :).
At one point, we start talking about our moodswings LOL. I asked him, “Has your opinion changed? Like, of me?” He slows down to a walk and asks, “What do you mean?” I slow down too and say, “Well. When we first got together you went on and on about how sweet and ‘perfect’ I was. About how I was never angry or in a bad mood. And I warned you that I could go from sweet to bitch in 5 seconds?”
He laughs.
I continue, “And now that you know that I’m not always in a good mood, has your opinion of me changed?”
He pulls me in for a mutually sweaty hug and says, “Oh, Baby. No, never. You’re my perfect balance.” :*)
We finish off our jog, headed home and did Ab Ripper. The whole time I’m thinking of all the crap I ate all week and how maybe doing Ab Ripper isn’t even worth it. But I finished, like a good grasshopper. Even Jorge did every single rep! First time he accomplishes that! I was proud :D.
Saturday, June 23rd
I continued with my crappy eating on Saturday morning. Since I didn’t have my cereal, nor did I feel like cooking anything, I got myself a bowl of Lucky Charms and the coffee Mom had prepared for me. At least I’m still using Splenda and fat-free creamer . But I’m not too fond of the taste so I may just end up giving up coffee altogether.
Ok. Not really.
I finished my coffee and my blog entry (for last week. I’ll never manage to catch up!). Jorge texted me that he and the guys were having a BBQ that night, so once he was done with training he was coming home. Woo!
I called Jess and Sally to come over for the BBQ in the evening. They said yes :).
Mom and I went to see Gramma. When I was sitting on the edge of her bed and she and Mom were talking, I was scrolling through Facebook on my phone. Gramma asked what I was doing. I said I was on Facebook and began to explain what it was; mostly that your friends and family know what you’re doing and when. She said, “That can get you in trouble” lol!!
I went to Dollar Tree to buy some garlic powder, cleaning supplies, and some top coat for my nails and ended up with $20 worth of stuff. It was all stuff we needed or didn’t have, like wine glasses. Who can say no to $1 wine glasses?!
I got home, started cleaning, ate some lunch because I was getting shaky, and continued with the cleaning. My love got home and started thoroughly cleaning the porch. I went to pick Mom up and then I got back and continued. I cleaned the guest bathroom and guest/boys’ bathroom, swept, dusted every surface, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen counters and tidied up the boys’ room and laundry room. I was beat. But I soldiered on because Jessica arrived around 5pm and I’d promised her a date at Red Mango :).

I couldn’t just keep it healthy, could I? Nope. Had to add a spoonful of crushed Butterfinger :).
We ran into Monique and John there. They moved and sat at the next table to chit-chat. Jess and I went to HEB Plus afterwards to get beer brats and chicken and then we went home.
There were vehicles all over the drive-way and yard and men all over the porch LOL. We greeted everyone and then went inside to chat and gossip, heh. I love my girlfriends. No matter what; no matter how many years pass us by, how long we go without speaking sometimes, or our preoccupation with family/life in general, they never change. I’ve been blessed to have the same group of girlfriends since middle school and elementary school and I wouldn’t change that for anything in the world :).
Sally, Tina and Tina’s friend Daniel came by a while later. We chilled, ate, then went outside to risk frizzy hair to take a photo:

Too bad they were too dark. And also, does anyone have some good boob-shrinking work-outs??
Jessica was tired so she went home. I chilled out with Sally and Tina for about another hour. I had a mango Margarita and some Moscato that Sally brought. I didn’t eat all that much, just a beer brat (I may as well have eaten an entire cow ) and some of that disquiado stuff Jorge’s friend Omar made.
It was a great night. No, no. A great week :).
(After re-reading my post and checking for typos I realized that THIS is totally me:)