I can’t remember much from Wednesday except that I flossed the kids’ teeth at night and while I was flossing Eenan’s I noticed he had two new teeth! Problem is: his baby teeth (the two bottom front ones) haven’t fallen out yet but he has his two adult teeth growing behind them. When I told Mary she told me what I feared: Mario had the same problem. He had really bad teeth as a child, which is why he wore braces when I met him. I wonder how much it would be to take him to the dentist? His CHIPs insurance only covers a certain amount and he already went to the dentist in March. And will they pull his baby teeth out? What if they don’t get pulled out? Will his teeth be crooked? Oy.
Mom’s new glasses came in the next day so we went to pick them up (only took a few minutes, thank GOD) then went to visit Gramma for a little bit since we were already in town. We joked around with Gramma and then started telling Mom how we were going to put her in the same nursing home Gramma’s in and they can be roomates. Mom was not amused.
I was invited over to Mary’s to try the mole Elda and Jose made. I got a little to taste and when I was going to sit, I got that sharp pain in my lower abdomen. The round ligament pain is happening more and more often. Yadira reminisced about her pain and we all talked about how large I’m getting and then I came back home to make dinner.
I made steak and steak fries for dinner. The kids loved the fries (they had hotdogs instead of steak) and Mario was in heaven. He said, “I’m so glad I have a wife that knows how to cook.” It gives me such an ego boost when he talks nicely about my cooking :D.
After we ate dinner, Mario presented me with our new pet: a lizard. She’s so pretty (well, for a lizard) and spiny. At first he thought it was some kind of horny toad, but upon closer inspection we noticed her scales are much shorter and she’s a totally different color.
As we’re walking towards the desk to get some info on her I notice the computer’s acting funny; the right-click menu keeps popping up, the Start menu keeps sliding out, windows are being minimized and opened. I freak out and whisper, “Babe, look at the computer!” as if the hacker’s going to hear us. Mario runs over to the computer chair and just watches what’s happening. He starts closing everything, because we’ve heard about these types of hackers that use Spyware to mess with your computer this way, and then I notice Jaylen’s sitting on our wireless keyboard and his butt’s been pressing the buttons. Talk about paranoid!
We couldn’t find any info on our new lizard. I stayed up till 1am looking for something, anything! But no such luck.
After Mario ran a few errands the next morning, we left for town. Since we’d made plans to go watch The Omen at the Dollar Movies, we left the kids with Mom and the in-laws. First we stopped by Mary’s office to drop some money off for Norma C. All the ladies were really surprised by how big my tummy was. While Norma D. picked up my blouse and examined my belly, everyone else gasped and said, “Oh, you’re definitely having a girl!” They all asked me to call the office as soon as I get the sono confirming the baby’s gender. I promised I would and left since Mario was probably asleep in the car because I was taking so long.
Speaking of the pregnancy, I made a page for my Pregnancy Timeline. You can see just how huge I am for barely hitting the 3 month mark.
We stopped by Pet Smart next. We needed to ask someone for help on what to feed Dragon (Jaylen picked the name). A sales associate told us it was called a Pink Bellied Swift and it was a desert lizard as we thought. She mostly eats crickets and worms, so we decided we’d come back later because we didn’t want them to die in the heat.
We picked Jorge up from work so we could have lunch. We went to New Wave Chinese Buffet–it was delicious. With this pregnancy, I’ve really been on a fruit and veggie kick and that day was no exception. I had two full plates of long green beans–they’re just SO good. I especially love how Chinese buffets prepare them for some reason
We went back to Pet Smart to pick up the crickets, a water bowl and sand for the tank then to Wal-Mart to find a lid for the tank we had in storage since Pet Smart didn’t have them. We left the remote start on while we were at Wal-Mart so the crickets would stay cool.
Since the movie wasn’t until 5 and Jose and Elda had invited us to their bar-b-q at that time we decided to skip the movie. We still had two more stops: Mary’s storage unit and then ours and then we went home. To our surprise, the tank in storage already had a lid. Grr.
We got home and fixed Dragon’s tank. I looked up info on a Pink Bellied Swift and upon looking at pictures of it I found out it was actually a Texas Spiny Swift and because of the lizard’s color realized Dragon was actually a girl, so we named her Liz/Lizzie. Only one website actually had info on her and it was a pet speciality store. Most of the only places I found pictures of her were specialty stores (where lizards like Liz ran for $14.99).
We were at Mary’s the rest of the afternoon and had talks about babies and other women things. When we came back home, Mario had a craving for a Slush from Stars so we went.
We got some Slushies (only for Mario and Jaylen. Eenan was sleeping over at Mary’s and the ice hurts my teeth) and then rented some movies at Video Plus. We watched the rest of Failure to Launch that night, which I thought was really funny.
The next morning I cleaned, bathes and got dressed, then took Mom to the bank. At around 12:30 the beautiful sisters, Mayra and Erica, picked me up so we could go to the movies. We’d be watching The Devil Wears Prada–we’d all been wanting to see that movie since it first came out. It was a REALLY good movie–much better than I thought it would be. Not to spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t seen it, but it’s TOTALLY different from the book. I actually liked how the movie ended rather than the book.
We went to eat at King’s Chinese Buffet (because you can neve have too much Chinese) and had great conversation and great food. It was sad to leave them after not seeing Mayra for so long. I really wish we could get together much more often.
Mario got home early that night and he was in an outdoor mood. We took the dog out (who is STILL not potty trained properly, by the way) then he and his dad got to chopping down a tree. The mosquitoes were running rampant that night so I came home and started making dinner. After that, we watched The Hills Have Eyes and oh my gosh, I couldn’t sleep for an hour after watching it. I love scary movies, and this one was just creepy and one of my favorites because the “monsters” in it were something that could possibly be real because of everything that happened back in the 50s. AND another favorite? NO BOOBS! All the other horror movies have to throw in a tit or 10 and it makes the movie tacky.
We woke up semi-early Sunday morning, since Mario and his dad were going to start the construction on our bedrooms! After we ate pancakes (that Mario made!) they got started. They had the studs that would split the room up in half an hour and then I left with Mary to Target and Wal-Mart to get some school supplies that were in the ads. I can’t believe how early people get there and how much people buy. There was hardly anything left! We did get all the things on the kids’ lists, but it would have been nice to get a few extras =\.
Mary stopped by Luby’s to pick up some food for my dad-in-law and then we stopped at a raspa stand to get some Elote en Vaso (corn in a cup) for Mario and I. Never again will I go to that place–a medium, which was the size of a small, was $2.50! The size of the cup I got usually cost $1!
When we got home they had most of the studs up. All they were working on was the kids’ closet and then they were done. Everything looks really good–I can’t wait till everything’s done! My closet is going to be awesome.
I need to get the rest of my 80s stuff out of the room :(. I can keep a few things, but there isn’t room for everything else. That huge 8 foot shelf I have is going to have to go, which sucks because I love it and everything on it. Here’s all I have left in my room, plus a few other things that aren’t pictured:
I’m so sad. I don’t want to have to put everything in storage, but I really don’t have a choice. Mario’s talking about possibly staying with this house (because his parents want us to have it), but there isn’t enough room! I need to have a room especially for my babies :(.
I have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do today. Mom’s already asking me to take her all over the place but I’m waiting to do that till I have to drive her to her appointment on Thursday. Oh and Lizzie doesn’t have any food. The genius at Pet Smart who gave us the crickets in a plastic bag failed to tell us crickets have teeth and can escape from the bag. Yeah, they escaped. We’ve only found 4. The other two are hiding inside the house.
And speaking of bugs, Jaylen said the cutest thing this morning. Eenan was frantically calling for me to kill a bug in the bathroom. I go in and notice it’s a tiny water beetle, but squash it anyway (I’m horrible, I know). Jaylen says, “Mama! It was harmless! It was looking for its Mama. Next time don’t kill it, okay?” This coming from my little 4 year old. He said it in the cutest, most innocent way. I wish I had a recorder with me all the time. I never want to forget their baby voices :(.