Potty Training Progress & Valentine’s
I finally got this layout up. I planned to have it up before February 1st, but never got around to it. Then yesterday, when I was almost done coding it, the lights went out and I lost everything . So I started it all again this morning. Then, since I saved as .gif, the light pink got all grainy so I had to fix that. I added new music (click on the music note on the Quick Menu). Those who’ve been visiting for a while will remember them being the songs I put up 2 Valentine’s layouts (2 years) ago LOL. They’re all songs that remind me of Mario, 2 are “our songs”. I bawled like a baby, reminiscing about our lives together so far, while I was skimming CD’s to find the songs. I just feel so happy, and blessed
Speaking of layouts, after 2 1/2 years, Lil’ Mama finally has a new layout . I was doing a “random code check” and ended up getting tired of looking at the layout and started on a new one. Gotta finish those code checks soon (so many Mamas are gone
) and then alphabetize the members since I’m not liking the having-to-move-members when I remove people or whatever. I have 91 members, I have a feeling over half are going to be broken links
As for the potty training, Jaylen ended up pooping the night I last blogged. He proudly called me and pointed to the toilet and said, “I poo-ooped!” I was so happy, and relieved, that he went. It was only a little nugget of a poop, but I was just glad he did something. I made a big ol’ fuss about how proud I was of him and dumped his stuff in the toilet. He got all happy because he flushed “like a big boy”. It was too cute…he waved and said, “Bye poopie!”. Eenan used to do that too . He got really sad once because he had to say goodbye to his poop LOL.
After that, he went 2 more times. Now he’s got the hang of it, thank goodness. He is still wetting the bed at night, but he’s pretty much potty-trained besides that. We need to get Eenan’s toddler bed back from Yadira. Since it’s a plastic-y mattress, it would be so much easier to “clean up”.
Mario had yesterday off, which was nice. We cleaned out all the animals’ cages, picked Eenan up from school, then made lunch and watched movies. We watched First Daughter (was that the name?) which was really cute; The Village, which wouldn’t have been as scary had Mario not been poking at me during the suspenseful parts and yelling, “BOO!”; and Barber Shop 2, which was pretty funny.
Mom saw Angie. She’s a manager…which makes me feel like a failure because she graduated a year after I did. But I know, I know, I have kids and yes, that’s a whole job all on it’s own (I already got lectured). Anyway, Mom said she looked pregnant and Angie asked her if she was my Mom. I wanted to call her yesterday, but I thought, “Well, she didn’t call me to invite me to her wedding, why would she call me to share one of the most important things to happen in her life?” I also felt like calling Jessica, but I don’t even know where to find her. But anyway…
Speaking of pregnancies…since she finally shared the news I can express how incredibly happy I am for Tara and her hubby! She’s 20 weeks pregnant and may be having a boy !!! Awww…she must be so elated!
Okay, John’s here to spend the weekend and wants to set up an account on my site, so I’ll get to that before I get lazy and don’t want to do anything. Then I must clean. I can hardly contain myself.
on Sunday, February 6th, Steph said:
Hey! I love the new layout, it’s great (as they always are!) 😀 Thank you so much for the songs, I haven’t heard KC & JoJo in years… I think the seventh grade! I also totally forgot it started like that . & you gave me the idea of making a CD as a V-day present, so thanks! I’m gonna use some of those songs.
I def suggest calling Angie. If in the end, she’s not elated to hear from you, then it’s her loss. But if you don’t call her & try, you may regret it for the rest of your life. At least you’ll know YOU did everything you could!
I love the new lil Mama’s layout too, & I’d join if I could, but unfortunatly I’m not a momma yet, although I would LOVE to be. Oh well, hopefully in the next five years or so.
Good luck with the potty training! <3
on Sunday, February 6th, tara said:
thanks for the congrats! 😀
the valentine layout is sooooo cute! i wubs it! the new layout at lil mama is so cute too! i need to put a link on my LJ for it!
take care! *hugs*
on Sunday, February 6th, Aneesah said:
Heehee, such a pink skin, with Hello Kitty too! 🙂
The Lil’ Mama layout looks awesome too! 😀
Haha, your little baby potty-trained, huh? That’s always cute ^_^ He’ll be an expert in no time 😛
Yes, you must clean! : Hehe. Hope you have a good day!
on Saturday, February 5th, Lauren said:
aw im loving the new layout! hello kitty and valentine’s day goes together for sure! 🙂
on Saturday, February 5th, Steph said:
i love the layout! it’s so cute and fun. but your layouts are always nice. 😉
on Saturday, February 5th, Johanna said:
Oh wow!! This valentine skin is so cute :gasp:
Yay for Jaylen’s pooping! 😉
I know the feeling when I meet the same aged people and they are already managers or in way higher jobs than me.. but I’ll show them one day :eblush:
on Saturday, February 5th, Kerry said:
Hey Yajaira! I love your new layout and glad to hear everything going well with you and your family! I still haven’t heard back from Netrillium about my 5 free months *growls* The first email they responded with was that they didnt see any records of me having a site at the other place! Now, they dont answer any of my emails, even though i sent them the stuff I got when i signed up at that other site. *sighs* I give up lol. I’m just gonna have to pay again somewhere else … this time, by the month! I’ll let you know what happens. Happy Valentines Day if i dont get a chance to write you until then! <3 ya
on Saturday, February 5th, Vic said:
I adore the Valentine layout!! The Lil mama’s clique I went to look at and I can’t find codes anywhere at all. I was going to change my info and put the link on my LJ Well, glad the lil man’s taking his dumps in the toilet LOL xoxo take care
on Friday, February 4th, elaine said:
hi yaya, i’m back after so long.
my boyfriend just left for his studies at Aus. sigh..
anyway, tho im not a fan of hello kitty, i like this lay. it’s so betty boop feeling. hahah..
hope u’re doing fine. *hugs* do take care yah. 🙂
on Friday, February 4th, Jessica said:
Yah for the small happy things (no pun intended)!
on Friday, February 4th, JOhanna said:
Aww, I hope that Freddy doesn’t have probs w/ toilet training. I’m glad he finally pooped:)