Labor Day 2015

It’s Labor Day today so I’m off work, woo!

Jorge had to work (boo!) and the kids all had school (double boo!) so I woke up and went on a run. Oh, who am I kidding. It was more of a mostly-walk-then-sprint-till-I-couldn’t-breathe-then-walk-again type of thing, but I got out there, at least! We’ll call it HIIT!?.

I was upset with both Jorge and John last night since neither one of them wanted to go on a walk with me. Granted it was 9pm, but John had gone with me at 9pm Saturday night and we did 6 miles so I didn’t understand what the big deal was. Anyway, I was pumped, and since Mario had to pick photos up for an assignment Alaethia had early in the morning (the kids were with him this past weekend), I figured I should just get up, eat some cereal and go. By the time I ate, got ready (getting dressed, filling my water bottle, putting on my Polar stuff and putting my mane up) and got out there, it was almost 9am, so it was already hot, grrr.

But it was still a nice day, and there was a sporadic breeze. I had a few more stops than usual since nature sure gives me ADD!


Mexican Ground Squirrels!


And I got tons of steps in and burned a good amount of calories.



I wish I could go on a run every morning *sigh*. I already wake up at 5am (girls wake up at 6:30am) to make sure the girls and I are ready for school and work, to make sure lunches are packed and folders are signed, and to make sure we all make it everywhere on time (have to wake up at 4:30 when the boys AND girls need to be dropped off). So I don’t see that as a possibility. It’s depressing. But I need to keep it up. That’s it. No more excuses. I see people suffer due to slacking off during their 20’s & 30’s and I WILL NOT let it happen to me. I will not take pills all day long just to feel semi-healthy.

So anyway, I got home, had my coffee after chugging my water and now it’s time to shower. Going to pick the girls up after school, possibly take them for yogurt and then head to Jaylen’s 1st football game. Going to make it a great day!


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