Lady In Waiting

Hmph. I’m so bored right now. Well, I wouldn’t be bored if I were up and doing the cleaning and laundry I have to do but my back, belly and feet won’t let me.

I just spent about 15 minutes washing dishes and I didn’t even get to finish because my back and feet hurt so much. So I’m taking a break. I still need the pans (3), 2 containers with old food in them (ew), and a bowl and spoon. I’m assuming I won’t get to that darn banana bread again today.

I was also going to tackle the mess in Alaethia’s room (she got out of hand one day and just threw all her toys everywhere. I’m amazed there are still some in the closet!), but again, my body just won’t work with me. My mind says, Yes! Let’s do this! and my body screams, No, please, no more!!

I got up in the morning and amazingly, didn’t feel as tired as I thought I would. I was tossing and turning all night but I got up when the alarm went off and got Mario’s lunch and breakfast ready. He, on the other hand, was rushing around since he woke up 15 minutes later than I woke him up.

Although I didn’t get to do every last thing (like getting my bag and diaper bag ready, washing the bassinet stuff, and sterilizing the bottles) I did finally put the car seat back together and put the new head support in it. I’m going to have to ask Mario to remove the canopy though, because it looks dingy.

I went to Old Navy, Target and to pay John’s car payment with John this afternoon. Mom came over to watch Alaethia, so I figured some exercise would be good and I needed to exchange something and use the girls’ gift cards before I can’t go to town for a while LOL.

When we were waiting to turn in to Old Navy we almost got into a car accident and it probably would have been my fault. Well, sort of. Everyone but one or two people kept blocking the darn entrance to the store and when I finally got tired of waiting I just stepped on the gas and went. We may have seen it much closer than it actually was because we freaked out at my stupidity, but we made it across just fine. When I parked and looked at John his eyes were the size of dinner plates and he says, “You go ahead. I don’t have a change of pants.” LOL

I took a bit picking out a few things for Alaethia, whose gift card I was using there. I got a cute dress for her, a pink polka-dotted blouse (for $2.50!), and some really cute hot pink jelly sandals. We went straight to Target after that, where I exchanged the shopping cart cover Sally had gotten her for a girlie one. (I’m not ungrateful, I swear. She told me to exchange it for a girlier color.) So I found one that’s actually a 3-in-1 that works in the shopping cart, restaurant high chairs and as a play mat.

I also got Emily two cute dresses, got one for Alaethia and some breast pads for me. I’d totally forgotten I’d need some of those.

I felt really weird when John and I were about to leave Target. I guess since I’d been walking for a while I started to feel a weird…tingling when I walked. Then my stomach felt really hard and I felt a lot of pressure as I was driving. When I stopped at Auto Zone on the way home to pick up some wiper fluid John told me to hurry up because he didn’t want me to end up delivering at the store LOL.

So we got home and I unloaded the stuff. Alaethia (who is quickly becoming boogery–great!) wanted to put on her blouse and jellies as soon as she saw them LOL. I dressed her and then she stayed playing with Mom and John while I picked up the boys.

Eenan gave me such a cute Hershey’s kiss rose–a belated Valentine’s Day gift, aww :). I reminded them that they weren’t playing games during the week anymore and they actually didn’t fuss about it. I dropped them off, called the office to make sure Dr. C. was there and he was, so I went in today instead of tomorrow morning.

I spoke to Elvira about a book she was reading for a history class. I took a seat afterwards and read New Moon while I waited. I didn’t get very far since the office was almost completely empty! A new girl was taking my vitals today instead of Erica or Laura. I lost two pounds, strangely enough; I weighed 138.8. My blood pressure was fine and I told her how my feet were swollen yesterday. I found it strange that she didn’t ask me to give a urine sample.

She took me to my room and I waited for Dr. C. He shook my hand and asked how I was doing, how I felt. I said okay, except for the annoying YI that I probably got from the antibiotics I’m taking. He said yes, that was most likely what happened; he’d call in a prescription for me to the pharmacy. He did a quick sono, where he checked Emily’s head, heart, spine, and legs–and I finally got to see her little privates again! She’s most definitely a girl :).

Another thing I found weird about this appointment was that he didn’t check if I’d dilated or effaced at all. I hate pelvic exams, but I really want to know if the funniness I feel down there is that my body’s getting ready for birth. I have an appointment again next Monday. I’ll be sure to ask him about another annoying problem I forgot to tell him about and to have him please assure me that everything will be okay with Emily and this GBS thing.

As I was picking up my prescription, Mario texted me that he was out, but if it was okay if he waited for his friend Raquel to get out of work at 6 so he could check her car. Well now. It was 4:30. Had I asked him to wait around for me somewhere for an hour and a half he’d throw a fit. I let him know how I felt about that even though I said it was fine. Actually, I said “I guess”.

I get home and make chalupas out of the ingredients we had left over from yesterday. I was starving, since all I’d really had for “lunch” was a Rice Crispies treat. So I ate and then went over to Mary’s with John and the kids to print out his report for school. It took a while since I had to install Microsoft Office. The boys and Alaethia were playing ball in the living room and I was so sure they’d break something. Alaethia stayed over there for a while. When we came back over here, Mario got here. I made him some chalupas, too, since he didn’t have a lunch hour today.

And then he came to the living room and fell asleep, even through Alaethia’s protests about staying here when Mary brought her back. We were supposed to be cleaning up Alaethia’s room and putting her toddler bed together but I guess not.

I guess I’ll start boiling those bottles now.

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