My A.D.D. Always Kicks In
I’m still alive. Just been enjoying summer and at the same time, trying not to go completely batty having all 4 (loud) kids home at the same time LOL. I took for granted just how peaceful it was when the boys were in school during the day. The girls would get to sleep without being bothered. I could nap if I wanted to. Emily would take her afternoon nap when she was supposed to. But now the boys are constantly yelling; at each other or just, you know, randomly. Poor Emily wakes up screaming every time. The boys love to play with Alaethia, but she’s a little diva and can only take so much of their energy LOL. She’ll smack them and squeal for them to leave her alone.
My favorite thing to do when I have a chance, of course, is to surf the web. I probably have plenty of time to update my blog, but right when I log in to WordPress I somehow get distracted and start looking for Re-ment stuff on Ebay. I’ve become quite obsessed with those little miniatures recently. I’ve got Rachel to thank for introducing me to the world of minis! Shoot, I’ve even got Mom and Mary collecting them!

Those are just a FEW of the gazillion things I’ve collected the past few months!
I also get distracted by browsing through people’s photos on Flickr, search for decorating ideas on Flickr or I’ll chat on Twitter. I hardly even use my Myspace or Facebook anymore, either. I guess whoever’s following me on Twitter has the most up-to-date goings-on of my life.
And when I’m not plastered to the laptop I’m reading. I’m still on Breaking Dawn. Crazy shiz happening in that book. I won’t go into detail so as not to ruin it for anyone, but it’s crazy. I still think New Moon was probably my favorite. I CANNOT WAIT for that movie! So many awesome movies are coming out in the next few weeks, too!
So yeah, I’m doing great. Loving the awesome new, comfy living room. Not enjoying the scorching heat; we’re probably going to end up having to get a bigger central air unit: this one doesn’t feel like it’s cooling much anymore, probably due to the extra square footage and the fact that the heat index’s been 105-116 the past few days. Bleh.
As for the kiddos, Emily’s such a doll. I never knew what people meant when they said they had “happy babies” until I had Emily. It’s so easy to keep her happy. I don’t even have a problem lugging her around with me everywhere. As long as she’s in her sling, nestled near me, she’s completely happy :).
Alaethia, like I mentioned earlier, is turning into quite the diva. Everyone’s amazed by how much she speaks “for a two-year-old” but it’s really nothing new to me. She’s been a chatterbox since she was around 7 months old. Mario says she takes after me LOL. She’s really into her Noggin shows right now, especially “Max and Ruby”, “Ni-Hao Kai-Lan”, “Wonder Pets” (she sings the song ALL THE TIME!), and “Backyardigans”. I’m not too fond of those last two, but what can I do? LOL
I definitely need to start sitting down with her and teaching her the colors and alphabet. She’s excellent with shapes but she’s still confused about the other two. As for potty-training, she’s a pro, though she still has her accidents at night but not too often, thank goodness.
The boys are doing great, when they’re not trying to smack each other. But I separate them and what do they do? They’re together 10 seconds later, like magnets. Jaylen’s had some anger issues, which I can only blame on “middle-child syndrome” but we’re working on it. I have noticed that he’s gotten better.
Eenan’s usually the instigator when it comes to their arguments and physical fights but he’s a lovable kid at the same time. He’s usually the one who tries to calm Jaylen and Alaethia down when he notices that I’m getting frustrated. He’s having to learn responsibility for a pet since he’s got Daisy and Lady to take care of now. He’s not too happy about it sometimes, but I remind him that they’re really cute and someone would really love to adopt them and he gets right on task LOL.
We took the boys to the library this past Tuesday and they each checked out a stack of books. They were all excited about it that day and read for a good hour without being “told” to, but the novelty wore off. Eenan’s been more reluctant about reading. I’ve got to get them on some kind of schedule so that they know when they can and can’t play video games and when it’s time to read and learn and go outside to get some exercise. I don’t want them to become couch potatoes, or act like it’s the end of the world when they can’t pass a level on a video game.
Mario and I are doing great, I’m thrilled to say. Ever since I stopped working and he went back to his old job we’ve been on Cloud 9 again, like nothing ever changed. We’re spending time together, he’s actually getting to see the kids and we watch movies in the evening in the new living room (which is almost complete; Mario just finished up the shelves, we just gotta paint them), either by ourselves or Jason, Mirella and Adan come join us.

I’ve become quite the social drinker (LOL) and we have a few cocktails before bed while we watch TV, chat, or surf the web when the kiddos are asleep. I love that boy :).

Noelia should be coming over tomorrow and we have a dinner to go to. I’m hoping I can get some cleaning time in and I’ve really got to spend that gift card Pete and Sally gave us from Pier 1! Maybe on Sunday, if Mario gets a chance between all that extra work he’s got. It’s all for the family LOL. He’s quite the popular one!
*laughed again over getting you onto Re-Ment (you were the one who really got me into 80’s goodness!)* There are some really pretty 1/6 scale dolls that aren’t too expensive, considering the usual, silly BJD prices! They look good if you’re ever in the mood in the future to do a doll house (or room).
Your living room looks really good! Very comfortable and uncluttered!
BTW, I got here from the comment’s on Heather/Dooce’s new birth announcement. 😀
I’m not sure which doll it is, Pullip? Something like that. I think that’s the type of doll I’d get if I do end up making a full dollhouse. Right now, my mind is set on at least getting a little kitchen made. I’m thinking of getting the red sink/stove. I’d LOVE the white ones, but I haven’t found them under $40 anywhere!
But yes, I didn’t know about this whole other world until I browsed through your Flickr! I’m only sorry I didn’t know about them when the Sanrio stuff was in circulation! I recently bought a set over Flickr for $10, which I don’t think is bad considering I don’t even see them on Ebay!
Thank you (about the living room)! We’re going for a “minimalist” look in there, since every other part of the house is cluttered LOL. I’m a clutter-bug, Mario’s a minimalist!
Isn’t Heather’s new baby adorable! I can’t wait till she posts a pic of the “deep dimple”!
Pullips are pretty! They come with really nicely themed clothes as well (my friend Jenny has one that comes with an it-sized polar bear rug). They were the first dolls I liked when I was looking at any that weren’t the super-real looking ball-jointed. Then I bought 3 Blythes in 3 weeks (I spent allll my going-to-England money I was saving to visit friends)!! I never did get to buying Pullips, Jenny has one or two though. *hehe* It’s really lovely you’re building up your Re-Ment first! It is the most fun, buying all the different boxes of stuff!! Did you see the cleaning supplies in some series?! Now those are some cleaning supplies I actually WANT to get my hands on!
I am a clutterbug too. Must be interesting, trying to balance your and Mario’s house style likes! 😛 I drove my roomates craaaaazzzy. My 2nd one especially, as she wanted an almost clinical space for studying…she couldn’t stand it even when it was pretty clean. 😛 Anyway, I’m rambling (all this side stuff in my head comes out). Which set did you get on Flickr?
I’m looking forward to seeing pics of Marlo’s dimple too! CUTE baby!!
Nice blog….you have 4 kids??? Wow…..I salute you!!! I completely hear you on the cocktails in the evening!!!
Thank you! And yes, cocktails in the evening, watching a movie: bliss!