Cleaning Up, Catching Up

There were 1,864 messages in my inbox this afternoon, going back as far as February 2005. I’m down to 4. Oh yeah, baby.

Alaethia’s been extra-clingy today so I haven’t been able to do much (chores-wise) while she’s been awake. I took the opportunity to roll her Boppy around myself and sit her on it while I typed and deleted. It’s amazing how much stuff I’d either held on to or just hadn’t replied to. Does anyone else have that many e-mails in their inbox just collecting dust?

While going through the e-mails I realized that I’ve gotten out-of-touch with some people and I feel terrible about it. Either we’ve grown apart, they disappeared from the ‘net, or it’s been so long that either of us have made an “effort” to chat, that I feel embarrassed doing so now. I was so busy with school and then my pregnancy after that that I kept putting e-mails and comments on hold. I’d try catching up with the older ones so I’d put new ones on the back burner which would then make me fall even farther behind. Vicious cycle. I’m going to try my hardest to be a better…Reply-er? Respond-er? Well, you know what I mean. I vow to keep in touch with people and reply to comments and e-mails as fast as humanly possible. That meaning: when Alaethia lets me :).

I made dinner with Alaethia attached to my hip yesterday evening. I didn’t think I still had it in me. I remember with Eenan and Jaylen I could actually wash dishes while holding them. I can’t do that now LOL. I totally should have invested in a sling for Aly–it would make things so much easier!

My arms are killing me. I put her down on her “circle” I’ve got on the floor and she’s smiling her goofy smile at me. I love this kid to death! She looks so sleepy, but she’s fighting it. Lately she’s been falling asleep easier if she’s got a washcloth or her blanket over her eyes. I don’t feel comfortable with her doing it in her crib when she’s alone at night, so I make sure to tuck her blanket in really snugly around her and her wedge. But if I’m with her I love when she does that! She’s such a cuddly baby!

Mario just got here and she rolled up and squealed at the sight of him. She loves to spend time with him. It sucks that he’s always out, though!

Anyway, Alaethia didn’t fall asleep till 1:30am last night and it looks like tonight will follow the same trend. She was hysterical last night, crying for what seemed like no reason. She kept rubbing her eyes and screaming until she started gagging from crying so much! I had to run to the bathroom and hold her over the toilet and after a while of hearing her I started gagging, too LOL. She was fine after she calmed down, but I still slept with her in my arms for about half an hour because I was afraid she’d choke.

I woke up every hour last night, the first two times because of Eenan. He’s been having trouble sleeping for about the past week. I don’t know why–just out of nowhere. He woke me up at 2:15 and then 3:00, both times talking about how he couldn’t sleep and how he couldn’t get something into one team. He said they kept splitting up into two teams O_o. He’s a sleep walker, and like his father, remembers dreams vividly and talks in his sleep about them…while he’s walking! I said before, I’ve not done much around the house except try and keep up with laundry and dishes. I’ve been doing the dishes every time we use them, instead of letting them pile up and risk not getting a chance to do them at night because of Aly or whatever reason. I’m happy with how clean the house it, though. It still needs some work, like the boys need to get their toys off the kitchen table and I still need to put some boxes into the storage room but other than that, the house looks spiffy :).

I just remembered, Jaylen’s asleep on my bed. Since Eenan went to sleep over at Mary’s and there wouldn’t be room for Jaylen he decided he’d sleep in my bed. He gave me “permission” to have Mario put him in his bed when we’re ready to go to sleep. He’s so cute, he fell asleep listening to his nursery rhyme CD LOL.

I should get ready for bed (even though sleeping won’t actually happen for another hour or so). Mario’s off tomorrow and he gets paid, so we need to cash his check and start paying bills. So depressing. We’ve got to figure out which vehicle we’re going to move the payment date of since both are at the beginning of the month and we won’t be able to pull that off with all the other bills.

Mario also got a new credit card, but WAIT! Since it’s got such a low interest rate (after the first year of not having an interest rate at all) we’re going to consolidate some of our credit cards so we’ll have less payments to make a month. We’d never got to an actual consolidation place, not only because it’s a bad mark on your credit but because we don’t have that much debt. This shall be fun (sarcasm)…I really dislike having to go through all the bills and see how much of our money will be sucked away. *tear*

Mario just told me his cousin and his wife had their baby this morning!! A little 5 pounder! I hope we get a chance to go see them tomorrow!


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