Daily Adventures & Three Little Kittens

This is why I stopped watching CMT.

I’m watching the top 20 Count Down and holy moly, I’ve got a lump in my throat. All the songs are so touching, but extremely depressing . Watch the video for “Somebody’s Hero” by Jamie O’neil and you’ll be crying like a baby. *sobs*

I’ve done a lot the past few days, aside from going to school. Mostly having to do with me driving around like a maniac after school (with poor Ricci in tow) since I have thousands of errands to run every day.

On Wednesday, I had to pick Mom up from the Social Security office, take her to pick up some stuff at Wal-mart, we stopped by to see Gramma for a few minutes, and then I had to drop her off allll the way to her house. Then I had to drop Ricci off and pick up Eenan.

Thursday, we were relieved I didn’t have anything to do. On the way home, when we were driving through Mission, I get a call from Mary saying her van died on her and if I could turn back and pick her up. Went back (in the pouring rain), Ricci and I laughing, blushing, and joking about things a husband and wife do together. Since I was on the phone, Mary took over driving and drove to make a payment (she was on her way over there during her lunch hour when the van died), bought some transmission oil, went to the bank and she filled my gas tank. (Since the rise in gas prices, my tank now fills with about $27, and this is a compact car!)

Ricci drove on the way to Mary’s van, where she was going to add the transmission fluid and we were going to follow her to her office and made sure she made it there. I didn’t want to drive because it was flooding and was about to storm heavily, and I’m still a bit traumatized from the time Sonia and Noelia got into that car accident about 6 years ago when it was raining. On the way over to Mary’s office, we saw at least 3 car accidents—craziness.

After school yesterday, Ricci and I went grocery shopping and didn’t realize how late it was when we were done so I had to rush to drop her and her groceries off, then go straight to Eenan’s school and pick him up.

Today, I am taking it easy. Mario took the car, so I’m chilling out at home wearing my “I’m not doing shit today” shirt, as John calls it. (My “I’m not doing shit today shirt” is usually a shirt about 3 sizes too big for me accompanied by boxers that I wear to sloth around the house.) I had bills to pay, but I guess it’ll wait till Tuesday. 3-day weekend baby!

I’ll probably take some time to study for my Certification Exam. I did the 2002 practice Expert Exam and got an 89, which I guess is good since some of the questions were totally different from how we’d do something in the 2003. The two girls who took the exam a few days ago didn’t pass. I think I heard the teacher say they were about 45 points away from passing. I’m hoping and praying that, even if I can’t pass with a 1000 like I’d like to, that I at least pass with the least amount of points required to pass, which is 630. I really want my Masters in Microsoft!

The whole situation with Eenan and school is basically the same. Elda volunteered to drop him off in the mornings with Sammy and Brandon. It’s a great idea since he’ll be there later, and there’ll be more kids there and hopefully he won’t feel as inclined to cry with Sammy and Brandon around. I still need to talk with someone about maybe switching him to a different class. I felt so miserable on Friday when he told me while climbing into the car after school that he only had one friend. And that one friend is the one who swung him from his sweatshirt and made him fall on his back . I hope his year gets better very soon.

We went to visit Jorge and Maggie last night. They’re holding up okay. They’re making plans on what to do and Jorge may already have a new job lined up with a relative. I’m so glad. Jorge doesn’t ever want to go back to doing audio/video auto work again .

On a lighter note, we have 3 more additions to the family. Well, for now anyway. Brushka went into labor on Wednesday afternoon, right after I’d come home from dropping Mom and Ricci off. I didn’t even think she was ready to deliver yet, she still looked small!

John said she was walking around, very apprehensively all day and when I got home, she immediately lay down on her side and her stomach started contracting. I barely had time to sit down (and turn on the camera!), when she started pushing the first baby out. His name is Dewey Enchilirido (John’s name choice, not mine!). He looks almost exactly like Brushka, except he doesn’t have a cream-colored belly. The second one born is a girl, and her name’s Tippy, since the tip of her tail (and paws!) are white. The third one’s a girl too, looks almost exactly like Tippy, but we haven’t come up with a name for her yet. John’s keeping Dewey, Sonia might take one of the kittens and I’m not sure who the third’s going to yet. As much as I’d LOVE to keep them ALL, we can’t. We already have too many cats *sniff*.

Brushka did a fabulous job for being a first-time mom. I had to frantically search online for what to do, since she didn’t know what to do about the umbilical cord. I read on several sites to tightly knot some floss or thread about an inch away from the belly, and cut with scissors, so I did, and they’re ok! She loves her babies; she’s so dedicated! She’ll eat, drink water, go to the bathroom in her litter box and then immediately goes back to her children. I’m so happy !

I’m going to finish this coffee and then, I shall watch TV. Or read. Or surf the ‘net. Oh the possibilities! I never thought I’d be happy to just be home!

on Monday, September 5th, Bex said:

I honestly don’t know how you keep up with everything! Children, Hubby, family, school, housework and now being a midwife to cats! Good grief, woman! I get tired just from reading your blog 😀

The kittens are gorgeous. I just love their colouring. (((Bruska and her kittens)))

on Saturday, September 3rd, Elaine said:

AWWW!!! Happy Kitty Family!!! haha.. Good luck for your exams!

on Saturday, September 3rd, Johanna said:

Awww, it’s so cute that she had kittens:) I haven’t had cats since I was a little girl and now it’s especially difficult w/l Freddy around. I hope you do well on your exam!

on Saturday, September 3rd, Diana said:

Aw cute kittens! Must be quite an experience to be there for their birth. That’s nice that you’re finding good homes for them too. At least you’ll get to see them from time to time. 🙂

on Saturday, September 3rd, Jessica said:

I miss having kittens being born. When we lived in the country, we had kittens all the time (at one point, we had 40+ cats at once). Have a good 3 day weekend and chilax. 🙂