Cars, Glasses and Cookies

I’m so beat . Annie came over because she needed a burned CD copied. When she was leaving she turns, looks at me and says, “Quit losing weight already!”. I roll my eyes and tell her, “I haven’t lost, I’ve gained!” She replies, “And now with holidays coming up?! Forget it!” I nod in agreement and say, “I know! I’ve been baking cookies like crazy-“. I forgot I was talking to the Junk Food Queen and she glares me down and says, “Thank you for inviting!” I was like, ‘Oops!’ LOL. So we got to talking and I told her I usually bake on weekends, and next I was going to try making peanut butter cookies from scratch. Catherine’s having her birthday party this weekend so I’ll take her some. I “practiced” making them tonight and they taste pretty damn good! I also made cheesy scalloped potatoes, which I was going to pair with pork fillets but Mario wanted to take Mole to work so that’s what he’s taking, Mole and potatoes LOL. Doesn’t really go well, but that’s what he wants. And I made dinner (very simple elbow macaroni and tuna salad type thing) too. I already have breakfast in the fridge (leftover atole…rice pudding?) so yay, no cooking till tomorrow night !

So our stupid car (Sentra) broke down yesterday. While Mario was driving. I’m just so grateful that he didn’t get hurt. The strut went out and he lost control of the car a for a little bit and just barely got to park on the side of the expressway. He was so close to the exit and couldn’t even get off it. Vito went and picked him up and took him to work, and later Vito and Tommy picked the car up and pulled it over here, I think. We got the part. Well, Mary did. We owe her $55, which we’ll give her on Friday. It’s like that stupid car knows when it’s Christmas or someone’s birthday…it screws up at the most inconvenient times . Mario also talked to Albert at work, and the Prelude came up and he said he’d find us a Jetta or another small car like that and we could trade. Sounds pretty good to me !

Noey took the boys and I to pick up Eenan’s glasses this afternoon. He looks so cute! I need to take a picture of him and post it here. He looks too adorable. He didn’t want to take them off at all until he took a shower LOL. We’d gone to a scrapbooking store down the road to kill time before the glasses were ready and the boys each got a pack of (expensive!) “space” stickers. Eenan put them all over his little glasses pouch . I loved all the embellishments and paper! I want to get back into scrapbooking. My poor Precious Moments scrapbook is collecting dust on my top shelf. I still have a huge Ziploc bag full of film I need to develop, too.

Welp, I’m going to finish watching “The Biggest Loser” I recorded from earlier today. G’nite!


What Was I Gonna Say Again?

My 1st Secret Santa Gift! Isn’t my Qbee Secret Santa gift adorable??! Thank you, Secret Santa! xoxox!

Welp, I had all these amazingly entertaining and interesting things to blog about (heh, right), but I forgot already. I hate it when I go days without journaling because then I forget everything I did. A short summary of last week: the usual–waking up early, taking Eenan to school, spending time with Jaylen, cleaning, making lunch, dinner, Mario’s lunch for work, laundry. Yeah, SO exciting! I also finished painting the apartment and Mary paid me today! Which was really unexpected and very much appreciated ! I had to give John some money, since he helped me out and because we owed him $10.

The new rentors started moving in so yesterday I was over there with the rentor’s brother (our other rentors) and his neices and nephews installing tiles . Then we went to pick Mary up at the airport (she was coming back from staying a week in Arizona). The boys were so excited to see her . All of last week Jaylen would look out the window and say, “Tell Nana to come down!” He’s so cute. He thought she was on the plane the whole week she was gone LOL. She brought us back some presents…just like Mary to be on vacation and still buying stuff for everyone else . She brought Jaylen one of those new flip-action Ninja Turtles, or whatever they’re called. She brought Eenan a Cartoon Network racing game for his Game Cube and she brought me a Hello Kitty tin with marshmallow candies in them and a Proud Heart Cat Beanie . I already had it, but since it’s about 2 inches longer than the one I already had (I thought they only sold them in 8 and 10″??), I kept it.

OH! Before I forget…another hilarious thing Jaylen did: I’d gotten out of the shower and realized I left my undies somewhere (had everything else but my underwear) and I pulled my tee over my feminine parts and peek out the door and ask Mario to get me some. Jaylen pops up in front of the door and notices I’m standing with my shirt pulled over myself and says, “Your weedos are cold, Mama?” (Weedos being what they call their privates). He’s a riot! He said Psycho Bitch today…which isn’t exactly something I should be laughing at but hearing his teeny voice say it was too damn cute. After biting my lip for a minute I told him never to say it again of course .

John spent the weekend again. He wasn’t going to come over because he thought Mario wasn’t getting out till really late today, but we told him he got out early on Sundays so Mario picked him up on his way home from work on Friday night. Thank God, too. I thought I was going to be incredibly bored all weekend.

Last night was a total disaster in Yajaira’s World of Cooking. I burned rice. Not once, but twice. It was John’s fault really. He was playing this flash movie that had Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” playing in the background. I started watching it from the kitchen, while the rice was browning, and I jokingly tell John, “Ooh, that song makes me tingle in certain places”, just to freak him out and have him curl up, cover his ears and yell, “OhMyGod!”…and then the rice burned. Dammit. I salvaged as much as I could, because I just used up the last of the rice I had, and got to adding spices and boiling it. I was making Mole, and preparing the sauce and boiling the chicken and making sure the chicken was cooked correctly because I’m deathly afraid of poisoning my family with Salmonella…and I let the damn rice burn again. While it was boiling *slaps forehead*. Oh well. Needless to say, the husband had no rice for his Mole…but the Mole tasted pretty damn good when I was done. I had a pile of dishes to wash to top it off…didn’t get to bed last night till 1am. Thank goodness Mario didn’t go in till 12 today.

I went grocery shopping with Mary today and we bought the Christmas tree! It’s already in the stand in the living room and ready to be decorated. Noey and I’ll be putting the lights around it and waiting till Eenan gets home from school to finish the rest. The kids are so excited about Christmas this year .

Ok, it’s almost 12. Gonna go snuggle up next to the hubs and still-awake Jaylen and watch Spongebob.


Live Journal-er Killed Mother?

*edit* Apparently it really wasn’t a hoax. I followed up the article on the Anchorage Daily News and found this link. The two 24 year olds admited it was the 16 year old, Rachelle, that instigated the plot to kill her mother. They were doing it as a favor to her for sleeping with them, how sick is that?? What could have been so terrible between her and her mother’s relationship that she had to have someone kill her? I know, from what I’ve read, that her Mom would pick on her because of her weight, and she was very strict about her having all A’s in school, and she wasn’t too happy about her dating one of those 24 year olds…but that’s it. My Mom was very strict about us getting all A’s too, and my cousin would poke fun at me about my boobs and would point out when I was gaining weight, but I wouldn’t murder them for that! I don’t know…I guess I’d have to be in her shoes to understand her reasoning . You can’t know everything that’s going on with someone by just reading their journal. But I still don’t think that justifies her wanting her mother dead. They mention in the article (linked above) that someone deleted the entries from September to November 18th on her LJ. I would have thought it was Live Journal, but I don’t think they think so. I do have all the entries, which I got from the second link I posted in my previous entry below. She just seemed like a normal, “emo”, teenager who wrote about normal things like school and how her parents were bugging her, just like all the other teens on LJ do. She seemed so…normal. I’m still just in…utter shock! */edit*

Is this for real? At first I thought it was some sick joke, but the more I read about it, the more I believe it. A 16 year old girl who had a Live Journal allegedly killed her mother. Or she got people to kill her mother, something like that. Her LJ’s been wiped out. Her calender shows she had entries up until November 18th, but the most recent entry shows up in March. (Quite the investigator I am, no? ) I’ve found this link (which includes a picture of her?) and this one. I can’t believe someone would do this–if it’s even true. And to write about it on your online journal?? And if it’s not…shame on whoever started the damn hoax…SHAME!
